Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
New Hampshire adopts law allowing gay civil union
Notorious spammer arrested
Common Cause Council of Bishops Set for Sept. 25 - 28
Mexico's High Court Will Hear Case Against Abortion Law
'Jane Roe' wants Sam Brownback in the White House
Malaysia Top Court Doesn’t Honor Muslim’s Conversion
Google Maps Show Faces On Streets
Wisconsin Pro-Life Group Wins Court Case on Judicial Election Info
Brazil Ignores Pope, Subsidizes Birth Control
Anglican Communion Looks to Develop Theological Education
CANA Welcomes Recent Growth
Mass. 'gay marriage' numbers plummet
Court Case Over Frozen Embryos in Texas Could Have Implications for Roe v. Wade, Los Angeles Times Reports
Matt Kennedy: Hospitality and Heretics: The Necessity of Discipline in the Anglican Communion
Islamists to impose the veil on Iraqi women
Canada: MPs assail CBC for 'sacrilege'
Methodists tackle transition issue in clergy sex changes
Increase in abortions in Scotland
Jerusalem Police Authorize Gay Pride Parade But Legislation May Block Event
4000 Protest Against Christian Persecution in India
Malaysia rejects Christian appeal
Anglican Church in a 'mess' over gay bishop row
Polls: Most believe Bible as God's word
After schism, Connecticut church becomes ally of Nigerian sect
CANADA: Orthodox Anglican Theologians Weigh in on ACC Sexual Ethics Resolutions
Breakaway Anglicans 'Glad' to be Out of Episcopal Church
Christians in China border valley keep sweet faith
Ugandan Primate Restates Intention to Boycott Lambeth
CANA Welcomes New Congregations
Trinity Seminary Names AMiA Bishop Rodgers Interim Dean
US isolates traveler infected with super-TB
Tue May 29, 2007
By Will Dunham
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has isolated a man who may have exposed fellow passengers on two transatlantic flights to a strain of tuberculosis that is extremely hard to treat, officials said on Tuesday.
It was the first time the federal government has issued such an isolation order since at least 1963, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding said authorities were trying to notify passengers who traveled aboard Air France 385 from Atlanta to Paris on May 13 and back to the United States from Prague on Czech Air Flight 0104 on May 24. the rest
Museum opens to defend biblical creation account
Get Religion: Baltimore Sun ‘perceives’ an Episcopal trend
Christian Colleges' Green Revolution
Bhutto calls for protection of Christian
Asian Americans Fast Becoming Dominant Face of Elite Campus Evangelicalism
Newspaper to city: Quit attacking pro-lifers
Split Church Starts Worships in New Place
Albert Mohler: "Promiscuous Teleology" -- Is This Why So Many Reject Evolution?
Gasoline message heard clearly
Outcry over TV kidney competition
Swiss move to ban minarets
Nigerian Church Leader May Lead Boycott of Decennial Anglican Gathering
New Study Finds Strong Evidence for Abortifacient Effect of Plan B “Emergency Contraception”
Live from Jerusalem, it's GOD TV!
Anglican Conflict
Historic Colo. Parish Breaks from Episcopal Church
Nigerian Anglican leader may boycott Lambeth conference
In China, a Catholic group tests changing waters
From the NYT society pages: Mark Lewis, Dennis Winslow
The McJesus Seminar
Stand Firm: Dr. Stephen Noll: Open Letter on Theological Education to Network Bishops and Common Cause Partners
Kevorkian's Cause Founders As He's Freed
Medical experiments to be done without patients' consent
Episcopal Church ordains new diocese bishop
Low caste Indians seek to convert
Christmas comes late to DR Congo
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has called on Africa's Anglican church to overcome its "obsession" with the issue of gay priests and same-sex marriages.