Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
Breakaway Anglican: Episcopal Church 'Redefining Itself as a Radical Offshoot'
Looking Ahead of a Denomination in Crisis
Pope says China "suffocates" faith, urges dialogue
U.S. state New Hampshire repeals parental notice abortion law
Canada: Renegade B.C. priest to bless same-sex unions
Pastor, Flock Face Ouster
Matt Kennedy: On the First Article of Religion
UK: Love that can be lethal: Muslim couples in fear of 'honour' killing
Lesbian Couple Denied Access for Civil Union
Norway hosts witchcraft experts
Team claims synthetic life feat
Kenyans Elect Bishop Suffragan for U.S. Parishes
All-Stone Hindu Temple Rises in Kauai
Mixed reaction to Brown's first Cabinet
Australia: Pentecostal revolution in the suburbs
Vatican to release pope's letter to Catholic Chinese on Saturday
Episcopal Diocese sues Attleboro dissidents
Anglicans allege ‘intimidation’ in attempt to name defendants
Rwanda: Bishops to Boycott Anglican Conference
Ruth Gledhill: Gene Robinson 'to be invited' to Lambeth, says ABC
More conservative Anglican leaders from overseas are building up a presence in the United States
Christians Join Human-Animal Embryo Debate
I Love, Therefore You Are
Only 1 Canadian same-sex couple "married" in Toronto this year
Scientists: Stem cells created from eggs
More Anglicans Reject Global Meeting with 'Unrepentant' Bishops
Anti-Jesus activists on warpath
Chimera embryos have right to life, say bishops
Catholics Begin Campaign on Marriage
Brown named new British prime minister
Province 3 President: Pittsburgh Diocese May Not Opt Out
Canadian gay marriage vote blow to U.S. Anglicans
Pentecostals Buckle Up Africa's Bible Belt
Retired North Dakota Bishop Joins Ugandan Church
Homophobia accepted in church, bishop says
Man wakes after order to end life support
Baghdad Christians Find New Life in Kurdish North
Reversal from the California Court of Appeals in the LA Church Fracas
We're losing our religion, Census shows
ACNS: Church's 400-year heritage is fabric 'woven together with prayer'
Anglican Church 'fiddling away while Rome is burning'
Stand Firm: Godly Bishops
Pope Benedict XVI Changes Rules for Vote
Hindu Prayer Will Open Senate Session in July
Victory for Teacher Told to Pay Dues or Change Religions
Religion under wraps
Christian Churches Moving Leftward Together
Sydney Anglicans Expressed Its Dissatisfaction Of Attendance of ‘Unrepentant’ At Lambeth
Anglican sensibilities