Devotional: Such heed to little things...
Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
By Maria Papadopoulos
Monday, November 22, 2010
At the high end, if for example a TSO is standing at the entrance of the scanner when it is running at maximum capacity, then that officer could hit their radiation exposure limit in as few as 20 working days (assuming an 8 hour shift). While we may not be very happy with our TSOs at the moment as the face of these policies, we need to keep in mind that they really should be wearing radiation badges in order to know their specific exposure (especially for those officers who may also have to receive radiation exposure for medical reasons).
As far as I'm concerned, the jury is still out on whether these machines are safe or even could be made safe for this application. Until then, I suggest keeping your family out of these machines and as vile as it is, either submit to a physical search or just don't fly.
by Kathleen Gilbert
“Imagine our shock and disbelief, when we learned that an abortion clinic was opening in the building 50-feet from our front door. Why would a clinic performing abortions be so insensitive to a group practice treating children for 31 years?” wrote Dr. Brinn.
He continued, “To have a group of OB/GYN doctors terminating fetuses just outside our door, to force our mothers and their babies drive through a common driveway, driving by the front of an abortion clinic, in order to park in our lot to have their babies cared for is an atrocity.
...Naked Brothers Kissing, Genitalia, and Ellen DeGeneres Grabbing Her Breasts
On Nov. 21, a "Hide/Seek Family and Friends Day" was held at the gallery in conjunction with the exhibit. The event was publicized on the Web site for the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution and other venues.
The promotion read, in part: "Gallery Talks & Tours, Kids & Families. EVENT LOCATION Throughout the museum COST Free RELATED EXHIBITION Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture ... NOTE This friends and family day includes music and hands-on arts activities inspired by the exhibition Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture. Guided tours of the Hide/Seek exhibition also available at special times."
Nov 29, 2010 By RACHEL ZOLL
Opposition to SSM as hate speech
Lee Jay Walker
At the moment it is clear that Islam keeps on spreading in many non-Muslim nations because of immigration, mixed marriages, conversions to Islam because of liberal Muslims who are on a hard sell course involving major kitman, the Muslim “victim card” in many media outlets, and Islamic funding from nations like Saudi Arabia is spreading a dual message. This applies to literal Islam and kitman Islam in order to spread the faith.
Despite this the democratic world keeps on sending vast sums of money in order to help mainly Muslim nations and in return for this they still hate non-Muslims and Islamization continues.
It appears that the democratic world is sowing the seeds of its own demise...
by Matthew Hoffman Fri Nov 26, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
River Valley Church is among the 100 fastest growing in the nation, tripling in size since 2007.
Who needs marriage? I do. You do. We all do — and for reasons far more fundamental than can be explained “in purely practical terms.”
Divorce is now an institutionalized part of American life, complete now with an industry putting out divorce announcements, greeting cards, and party plans. The American divorce rate, though now somewhat stable, is so disastrously high that even social scientists are shocked. As Professor Cherlin remarked: “One statistic I saw when writing my book that floored me was that a child living together with unmarried parents in Sweden has a lower chance that his family will disrupt than does a child living with married parents in the U.S.”
That statistic should floor all of us.
Defendants are converts to Christianity
How the pope is making the Catholic Church think more like he does.
The Christian Institute
Bobby Schuller is an innovator like his grandfather, but the way he delivers his message of Christianity is drastically different. The stereotypical church, he said, is about a perfect building filled with perfect people, music and a perfect preacher.
"In other words, it's not like life," he said.
by Steven Ertelt
“The truth is, abortions in the fifth month of pregnancy and later are widely available,” she added.
By N.C. Aizenman
By Steve Doughty, Social Affairs Correspondent
by Steven Ertelt
The Church of England Newspaper
Fri, Nov 26, 2010
Church of England votes in favour of new framework but conservatives condemn text of covenant as 'fatally flawed'
Nov 24, 2010
Are these Obamacare cost-benefit boards and commissions -- for example, the so-called Independent Payment Advisory Board penetratingly judging Medicare's cost-effectiveness (without judicial review) -- not going to determine whether certain Americans are going to continue living?
November 24, 2010
Oxford Statement
"While we acknowledge that the efforts to heal our brokenness through the introduction of an Anglican Covenant were well intentioned, we have come to the conclusion the current text is fatally flawed and so support for this initiative is no longer appropriate," said the statement from leaders of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans and the GAFCON movement.
The statement was endorsed by archbishops from West Africa, Rwanda, Tanzania, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Australia and Anglican Church of North America, a breakaway group from the Episcopal Church.
Tuesday 23 November 2010
by Steven Ertelt Washington, DC
November 23, 2010
Rowan Williams tells warring factions to pull together for crucial General Synod vote on church's future
Thomas Sowell
Can you remember a time when a cabinet member in a free America boasted of having his “foot on the neck” of some business or when the president of the United States threatened on television to put his foot on another part of some citizens’ anatomy?
Nov 22, 2010
The Church of England faces fresh divisions over same-sex marriages as new laws bring religious partnership ceremonies a step closer, its leading official has warned.
I do a lot of work for seminary students. I like seminary students. They seem so blissfully unaware of the inherent contradiction in paying somebody to help them cheat in courses that are largely about walking in the light of God and providing an ethical model for others to follow. I have been commissioned to write many a passionate condemnation of America's moral decay as exemplified by abortion, gay marriage, or the teaching of evolution. All in all, we may presume that clerical authorities see these as a greater threat than the plagiarism committed by the future frocked.
Newly defined and vigorously enforced rights have proliferated even as they are uprooted from any philosophic grounding
“Where orthodoxy is optional, orthodoxy will sooner or later be proscribed.” -Fr. Neuhaus
Meet the Independent Payment Advisory Board.
Further demonstrating the Star Chamber-like powers of the Independent Payment Advisory Board, Congress cannot consider any bill or amendment that would repeal or change this fast-track congressional consideration process without a three-fifths vote (60) in the Senate. Not only that, but the implementation of the board’s remedy is exempted from administrative or judicial review.
Mon, Nov. 22 2010 By Chuck Colson
Mon, Nov. 22 2010
"The specified punishment of the thief is cutting off his right hand at the wrist. Then it is cauterised to prevent him from bleeding to death," it added.
John Avlon
Will succeed Garrison after a close vote
Let the whole militant Church of Christ be blessed; put power into all faithful ministries; convert this country; save it from abounding sin; let all the Nations of the Earth know the Lord... Bring the Church to break down all bonds of nationality, all limits of sects, and may we feel the blessed unity which is the very glory of the Church of Christ! Yea, let the whole Earth be filled with His glory! Our prayer can never cease until we reach this point: Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven! Nothing less than this can we ask for. ...CH Spurgeon image