Devotional: The decision behind every decision...

Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
By Kara Clark Thursday, March 31, 2011
March 30, 2011
Mar 30, 2011 | by Tess Rivers
posted March 31,2011
The 3rd Annual State of the Plate survey from 1,507 churches showed giving increased last year for 43 percent of churches. But 91 percent of church leaders are concerned about proposed government changes to tax deductions for charitable giving.
By Jenny Purt, PA
In Hyderabad and Lahore, a mob of Islamic fundamentalists targeted the Christian places of worship. Desecrated several copies of the Bible. Anti-American slogans and demonstrations in different cities of Pakistan. The extremists pledge more violence, if Washington does not condemn pastor Jones to death. Bishop of Islamabad: the gesture of a "fanatic."
Share by Paul Kengor, Register correspondent
By Farid Ahmed and Moni Basu
by Steven Ertelt
by Raymond Ibrahim
Charlie Butts
"Nearly three-quarters of Catholics favor laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination in the workplace," says Jones. "Sixty-three percent of Catholics favor allowing gay and lesbian people to serve openly in the military -- and six in 10 Catholics favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to adopt children."
by Steven Ertelt
“What they don’t tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors,” she said. “They could have easily chosen animal, insect, or other morally obtained human cells expressing the G protein for taste receptors.”
Bill Bumpas
by Rebecca Millette
By Daily Mail Reporter
March 29, 2011
Biblical scholars believe a collection of ancient texts discovered in a Jordanian cave may shed new light on Christianity.
by Rebecca Millette
by Patrick Lee, Robert P. George and Gerard V. Bradley
by ASSIST News Service
Friday, March 25, 2011
And what better subject for the "teachers" than the newly created metropolitan authority of the Presiding Bishop herself? She begins the process with an exhortation to the assembled bishops to "show up in the various challenging venues of today's world" (how postmodern can we make this?). Having thereby subtly established her authority to issue pastoral directives to her colleagues, she hands the real task of instruction over to those who were the architects of the changes to Title IV of the national Canons -- the members of the (Second) Title IV Task Force. The constitutionality of their changes has been called into serious question, both on this blog and on others deeply concerned with Episcopal Church polity. It is a bit disconcerting, but nevertheless entirely within the character of the current administration, to have the assembled bishops hear only from members of the Title IV Task Force, who continue to maintain -- in the face of all historical and logical evidence -- that they are right and every other canon law expert is just wrong.
Tens of thousands of demonstrators throng the streets of London to protest $130 billion in spending cuts the Conservative-led government says are needed to tame a runaway deficit. It was one of the biggest demonstrations since rallies in 2003 against the Iraq war.
By Diane Macedo
The bishop said that the secular worldview was undermining absolute respect for human life and amounted to an attack on the unborn child, the ill, the disabled, the elderly and the family.
The New York Times has asked the question. How would you answer it?
The Anglican Communion Institute, Inc.
Mr. Johnson was deposed in 2006 by Bishop Gladstone "Skip" Adams of the Central New York Episcopal Diocese after similar allegations of inappropriate conduct surfaced while Mr. Johnson was serving at a parish in Owego, N.Y.
Bishop Adams said in March 2010 that no victim ever came forward at that time to verify the allegations, but he felt the information was credible enough to merit Mr. Johnson's discipline.
While ordained, Mr. Johnson served in parishes in Buckingham, part of a Philadelphia area diocese; as well as at the New York churches of St. Paul's, Owego; Zion Church, Windsor; and St. Ann's, Afton.
The lawyer will appeal to a higher court after an initial rejection of her application for a permit to practice before Shari’a courts. Malaysia has a dual, secular-religious, legal system. 03/22/2011
A federal judge tells seniors to take it or lose Social Security.
March 24, 2011.
By Matt Blake and Richard Shears
by John-Henry Westen
Five Christians are to stand trial in a lower court in Iran charged with blasphemy.
Mar 22, 2011
22 March 2011
The team took census data stretching back as far as a century from countries in which the census queried religious affiliation: Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland.
By Matthew Daneman, USA TODAY
by Soeren Kern
Women of a liberated generation wrestle with their eager-to-grow-up daughters—and their own pasts.
But it's easy for parents to slip into denial. We wouldn't dream of dropping our daughters off at college and saying: "Study hard and floss every night, honey—and for heaven's sake, get laid!" But that's essentially what we're saying by allowing them to dress the way they do while they're still living under our own roofs.
Muslim youths kill two, wound two others after dispute over teasing of Christian women.
My daughter probably wouldn't have survived in a system where bureaucrats stifle innovation and ration care.
Tue, Mar. 22 2011
What Rev. Lawler really represents is the postmodern spirituality that masquerades as authentic belief. This becomes clear when the report reveals that the priest did not declare the oneness of Allah nor acknowledge Muhammad as God’s prophet. These just happen to be the first of Islam’s Five Pillars.
By William R. Levesque
The Tampa case is drawing attention from some who cite it as proof judges are improperly using foreign law.
Mar 21, 2011
The biggest condemnation of all, across 53 consecutive Rasmussen polls, beginning the day that the president signed Obamacare into law and proceeding to today, is that Americans have supported repeal in all 53 of them — and by double-digit margins in all but one of them (the poll of October 4th, in which Americans supported repeal by “merely” 6 points).
New code requires centers to post, publish notices advising women to seek help elsewhere, but law does not affect abortion facilities
by Steven Ertelt
Apple has come under fire for approving an "app" that offers guidance on how homosexual people can be "cured" and convert to heterosexuality
The Ugley Vicar
by Tom Grenchik