Devotional: Just as soon as we turn toward Him...

Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
Over 500 priests want celibacy replaced, women priests allowed
by Joel Kotkin
Of course, there have always been unmarried people and childless people; some by necessity or health reasons, others by choice. But now a growing proportion of young child-bearing age women in countries as diverse as Italy, Japan and Taiwan are claiming no intention of having even one child. One-third of Japanese women in their 30s are unmarried, and similar trends are developing in other Asian countries.
October 31, 2011
The father said that everyone in Mallawi knew how the event took place, but not one of the students’ parents was prepared to let their children come forward and give a statement to the police. “They are afraid of the school administration, which has lots of ways to harass the students, as well as being afraid of the families of the two Muslim killers.”
October 31, 2011
By Michael Barone
London, 01 November
By Chris Greenwood
The Catholic Church has ordered an urgent review of its policy on child protection
by Thaddeus Baklinski
October 29, 2011
By L. Brent Bozell III
Thursday, October 27, 2011
by Steven Ertelt
Gosnell and several staffers at his abortion center, including his wife Pearl, were arrested in January after a grand jury indicted them on multiple charges after officials raided his abortion business following a woman’s death and discovered a “shop of horrors” filled with bags of bodies and body parts of deceased unborn children and babies killed in infanticides. Pearl Gosnell, Kermit’s 49-year-old wife who has no medical license, faces a charge of providing an abortion at 24 or more weeks and conspiracy and other charges.
Oct 28, 2011
By Aaron Goldstein
Oct 27, 2011
Associated Press
by Jim Hoft
The Richmond tea party is demanding a refund of about $10,000 from the city, claiming it unfairly charged them for rallies while allowing the Occupy protesters to use the same space for several weeks for free.the rest
The political organization is sending the city an invoice for the charges incurred for three rallies held in Kanawha Plaza over the past three years. The Occupy protesters have been camped in the plaza since Oct. 15.
The disgraceful closure of Wren’s masterpiece has been a debacle. The Church of England must urgently examine its values says a former Archbishop of Canterbury.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
The long-term risk for ovarian malignancies (ovarian cancer and borderline ovarian tumours) is twice as high among women who undergo ovarian stimulation for IVF compared with subfertile women not treated with IVF. This is due to the increased incidence of borderline ovarian tumours, according to the research, published online today (Thursday Oct. 27) in Europe’s leading reproductive medicine journal Human Reproduction...the rest
Prof van Leeuwen said: “We found that of the 25,152 subfertile women included in the analysis 77 had ovarian malignancies. Surprisingly, of the 61 women who had ovarian malignancies in the IVF treatment group, 31 had borderline ovarian cancer and 30 had invasive ovarian cancer. This proportion of ovarian borderline tumours was unusually high. Borderline ovarian tumours are tumours with a low malignancy potential, which means that they are not fatal, but would require extensive surgery and cause substantial morbidity.”
By Eryn Brown
Amanda Pellegrino, Tower Staff
By Laurel J. Sweet, Dave Wedge and John Zaremba
When it became apparent Occupy San Franciso was there for the long haul, that city’s Health Department began inspecting, spokeswoman Eileen Shields said: “Hand-washing is a problem. Garbage is a problem. They’re mixing it with medical waste. Food preparation, food is stored on the ground, food is not being served at the correct temperature. The usual things you might expect to find in people camping outdoors.”
Michael Tanner
Oct 25th 2011
posted October 26, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
October 25, 2011
“Despite all its liberal cheerleading about inclusiveness, the once influential Episcopal Church is a dwindling, nearly all white, increasingly gray-headed denomination with a grim future, absent divine intervention.” -Jeff Walton, Spokesman for IRD’s Anglican Action Program
Oct 25, 2011
Monday, 24 Oct 2011
By Jaya Narain and Steve Doughty
Beatings, humiliation and lessons in hating Britain
The true scale of the scandal is unknown. Many families, it is suspected, are reluctant even to report the ill-treatment of their sons or daughters for fear of upsetting their fellow Muslims. Such fears are more than justified. In some cases, parents have been intimidated and threatened for going to the police.
By Susan Jones
Mon, Oct. 24 2011
Oct 24, 2011
Evangelical Christians will either stand upon the authority and total truthfulness of the Bible, or we will inevitably capitulate to the secular worldview.
Again and again, Giberson and Stephens point to the Bible as the issue. Evangelicals follow the wrong leaders, they assert, because they tend to trust those who “first and foremost have an unquestioning belief in the literal truth of the Bible.” Who would have known?
A hearing loop, typically installed on the floor around the periphery of a room, is a thin strand of copper wire radiating electromagnetic signals that can be picked up by a tiny receiver already built into most hearing aids and cochlear implants. When the receiver is turned on, the hearing aid receives only the sounds coming directly from a microphone, not the background cacophony.
by William A. Jacobson
October 24, 2011
By Phil Galewit
October 24, 2011
Christian parents must be concerned, not just with what content children are watching, but how much exposure they really experience. Something has gone wrong when the default position of the television is on, rather than off.
The physicians called for “unstructured, unplugged play” for toddlers, warning specifically that television exposure around bedtime is associated with “poor sleep habits and irregular sleep schedules, which can adversely affect mood, behavior, and learning.”