"Let us make man"

Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Osama bin Laden had profiles of Church of England bishops at Pakistan compound Osama bin Laden kept profiles of Church of England bishops at his Pakistan compound before he was killed by US commandos in May 2011.
(Updated for General Convention 2015)
On-Line Pharmacy Selling Strawberry, Chocolate, and Marijuana Flavored Abortion Pills ...Cipla, a major pharmaceutical maker and exporter from India, thinks they’ve found a way to distinguish their MTP single pack kits – add popular flavors like strawberry, chocolate… and cannabis.
A leading witch and herbalist shared a Church of England platform last night with other women religious leaders including the Presiding Bishop of the US Episcopal Church and Gogglebox tv vicar Rev Kate Bottley.Helene Mobius, who heads the prison chaplain ministry of the Pagan Federation, challenged stereotypes of women at the event, the latest in the Westminster Faith Debates series at London’s liberal flagship church, St James’s Piccadilly.
the restRev Lucy Winkett, Rector of St James’s, said she hoped that women bishops would open up space for issues such as domestic violence to be addressed more effectively. It mattered not so much that women were bishops and priests, as “how” they were bishops and priests. The authority held by a woman will be held “differently” from that held by a man. “It won’t necessarily be held more nicely,” she warned.
Rainer: 8 Common Characteristics of Successful Church Revitalizations
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
By Isaiah Narciso
"Donors in the private sector have offered complete funding for the airfare and the resettlement in the United States of these Iraqi Christians that are sleeping in public buildings, on school floors, or worse," McDonnell wrote. "But the State Department - while admitting 4,425 Somalis to the United States in just the first six months of FY2015, and possibly even accepting members of ISIS through the Syrian and Iraqi refugee program, all paid for by tax dollars, told Dobbs that they 'would not support a special category to bring Assyrian Christians into the United States.'"
McDonnell contended that the United States government made it clear religious affiliation does not mean support for Christians in the region in the form of asylum.
Homosexual Sexual Assault Epidemic Grows in U.S. Military ...Well, it is now a few years later, and as we could expect with open homosexuality in the military, the number of sexual assaults has grown significantly. How bad is it? Defense Secretary Ash Carter, who inherited this mess after years of Mr. Obama’s social engineering, admitted in a recent speech that the Defense Department is trying to “lead boldly on sexual assault.” Despite hundreds of millions of dollars being spent on sexual assault prevention programs, including “May I Kiss You?” training, the number of sexual assaults continue to increase. (You can read more about “May I Kiss You?” training here) Last year, Mr. Carter said, thousands more men (10,400) were sexually assault than women (8,500). Although Mr. Carter said, “No man or woman who serves in the United States military should ever be sexually assaulted,” Mr. Obama’s homosexualist policies prove how utterly misguided efforts to promote open homosexuality in the military during a dangerous time are for morale and unit cohesion.
May 14, 2015
May 14, 2015
BB King, Defining Bluesman for Generations, Dies at 89
No amount of money, genius, or culture can move things for God. Holiness energizing the soul, the whole man aflame with love, with desire for more faith, more prayer, more zeal, more consecration-this is the secret of power. These we need and must have, and men must be the incarnation of this God-inflamed devotedness. God's advance has been stayed, his cause crippled: his name dishonored for their lack. Genius (though the loftiest and most gifted), education (though the most learned and refined), position, dignity, place, honored names, high ecclesiastics cannot move this chariot of our God. It is a fiery one, and fiery forces only can move it. The genius of a Milton fails. The imperial strength of a Leo fails. Brainerd's spirit can move it. Brainerd's spirit was on fire for God, on fire for souls. Nothing earthly, worldly, selfish came in to abate in the least the intensity of this all-impelling and all-consuming force and flame." ...EM Bounds image
In Chilling Lawsuit, Pregnant Satanist Sues Over Abortion Restrictions A 22 year old pregnant Satanist going by the name "Mary" is claiming in a new lawsuit that the state’s waiting period for abortion stands against her religion.
It may sound crazy, but explaining why mothers matter is apparently necessary.
How to Radicalize an Entire London Borough
Islamic State claims responsibility for Texas attack outside Muhammad cartoon show ...The authenticity of the claim — announced on a Syria-based radio station operated by the militant group — could not be immediately verified. It represents the first time the Islamic State has announced links to a high-profile attack in the United States...