R. C. Sproul: 1939-2017

He was, as the British would say, a man in full. He never made a half-argument, presented a half-correction, preached a half-sermon, or laughed a half-laugh. He was all in, all the time. His voice would fill the room, his preaching would shake the timbers, and his passion would spread like a virus. He showed up as everything he was and with everything he believed – every time.
He was one of the great defenders of historic Christianity of our times. It is fair to say that R.C. was the greatest and most influential proponent of the recovery of Reformed theology in the last century. He was a stalwart defender of the Word of God, and one of the primary architects of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy in 1978. His tapes were soon accompanied by his books and the vastly expanding influence of Ligonier Ministries...
RC Sproul Dies at 78
A Letter to the Church from R.C. Sproul (1939-2017), His Theology, and His Work in the Gospel ...“We are secure, not because we hold tightly to Jesus, but because he holds tightly to us.” – R. C. Sproul (1939–2017)
Today, a legendary theologian passed into the hands of our heavenly Father. Dr. R.C. Sproul went home to be with the Lord this afternoon. He was 78. You can read more from Ligonier Ministries here.
Probably best known for his books The Holiness of God, Essential Truths of the Christian Faith, and What Is Reformed Theology?, he was hugely prolific in his writings, including dozens of critical question short books, longer books, and Bible commentaries. As my friends here at Christianity Today wrote, “Sproul’s legacy lives on in generations of laypeople and Reformed leaders whose theology was strengthened and shaped by Ligonier Ministries, the organization he founded in 1971 to fill the gap ‘between Sunday school and seminary.’”...