Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Monday, June 11, 2018
GAFCON 2018 News: June 11, 2018
Anglican Unscripted #401 - What to expect at GAFCON III
June 4, 2018
Stephen Noll: PREPARING FOR GAFCON IN SEVEN CONTENTIONS ...I stated in this first essay that this vision is aspirational, that is, not yet realized. While I stand by that qualification, I want to add that it seems God may be running ahead in bringing that vision to reality. He is doing this partly by driving revisionism faster and faster to its outright denial of the faith. He is also doing so by gathering the church in a powerful way, far beyond “realistic” hopes.
We’ll see. I’m laying aside my contentious mantle for a couple weeks and looking forward to sweet fellowship with many fellow Anglicans in the Holy Land...
GAFCON Chairman Okoh's June 2018 letter ...Some 2,000 delegates will be welcomed to Jerusalem this month and many more will be able to share in GAFCON 2018 as it unfolds with reports through each day and live streaming accessed through the Gafcon website. We thank the Almighty God for the privilege of being able to gather in this city where the great events of our salvation were enacted, but it is not now necessary to go on pilgrimage to encounter the living God. Through God’s Word and by the power of God’s Spirit, every local church becomes the household of God and an anticipation of the heavenly Jerusalem.
This is why our conference matters so much for the many of you who are not able to attend in person, yet have a vital role to play. Our purpose is to see faithful Anglicans everywhere equipped and empowered so that the churches of our global Anglican Communion, from parishes to provinces, will be united in one gospel and with one voice will serve the purpose of our conference theme ‘Proclaiming Christ faithfully to the Nations’...
GAFCON vimeo channel
GAFCON Live stream: starts June 18, 2018
GAFCON's youtube channel