Teach me to watch over all my ways...
Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
Distracting Ourselves to Death https://fightoffaithblog.com/2021/07/27/distracting-ourselves-to-death/
Wonder not then, that all the true followers of Christ, the saints of every age, have so gloried in the cross of Christ, have imputed such great things to it, have desired nothing so much as to be partakers of it, to live in constant union with it. It is because His sufferings, His death and cross, were the fulness of His victory over all the works of the devil. Not an evil in flesh and blood, not a misery of life, not a chain of death, not a power of hell and darkness, but were all baffled, broken, and overcome by the process of a suffering and dying Christ. Well therefore may the cross of Christ be the glory of Christians. ...William Law
Human-animal hybrids: Senate approves billions of dollars for their chilling creation...of hybrid beings by mixing human and animal genetic material. https://m.thebl.tv/us-news/human-animal-hybrids-senate-approves-billions-of-dollars-for-their-chilling-creation.html photo
In praying, we are often occupied with ourselves, with our own needs, and our own efforts in the presentation of them. In waiting upon God, the first thought is of the God upon whom we wait. God longs to reveal Himself, to fill us with Himself. Waiting on God gives Him time in His own way and divine power to come to us… Be still before Him, and allow His Holy Spirit to waken and stir up in your soul the child-like disposition of absolute dependence and confident expectation. Wait on God till you know you have met Him; prayer will then become so different. And when you are praying, let there be intervals of silence, reverent stillness of soul, in which you yield yourself to God, in case He may have aught He wishes to teach you or to work in you. -Andrew Murray
No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying. We have many organizers, but few agonizers; many players and payers, few pray-ers; many singers, few clingers; lots of pastors, few wrestlers; many fears, few tears; much fashion, little passion; many interferers, few intercessors; many writers, but few fighters. Failing here, we fail everywhere. -Leonard Ravenhill
The World Has Had It With China Flu Lockdowns: Protests Rock Cities All Over the Globe https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/kevindowneyjr/2021/07/24/the-world-has-had-it-with-china-flu-lockdowns-protests-happening-all-over-the-globe-n1464502
Everything Is Up in Biden's America: Food Prices, Jobless Claims, Division... https://pjmedia.com/
Never-Ending Gender Insanity...When lefties devour each other... https://billmuehlenberg.com/2021/07/20/never-ending-gender-insanity/