Go Woke and Go Up in Smoke?; U.S. Faces Massive Shortage Of Prescription Drugs; The Empire Strikes Back...more
Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
Report: Satan-Worshipping Trans Babies May Be Unable To Find Clothing If Target Pulls Pride Displays https://t.co/lMIhJNZrkC pic.twitter.com/WVP5qs7z9v
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) May 25, 2023
This is the most important video you will watch this year. Millions were killed with Covid-19 for profit.
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 25, 2023
“Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked. Science was hijacked.” pic.twitter.com/1sYnVMaIRN
Top 10 takeaways from Durham report
IRS Axes 'Entire Investigative Team' Probing Hunter Biden Taxes: Report
**********Debt Default**********
Yellen Says Nation Could Face Debt Default In Less Than Three Weeks
**********They want your kids**********
**********Collateral damage**********
Mask-Wearers Are Poisoning Themselves
**********A merry heart**********
Happy sound of a little penguin.. 😊 pic.twitter.com/UYWEr3BP42
— Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden) May 15, 2023