Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

 Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

Verse 1
Come, Thou long expected Jesus,
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us;
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel’s strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear Desire of ev’ry nation,
Joy of every longing heart.

Verse 2
Joy to those who long to see Thee
Day-spring from on high, appear.
Come, Thou promised Rod of Jesse,
Of Thy birth, we long to hear!
O’er the hills the angels singing
News, glad tidings of a birth;
“Go to Him your praises bringing
Christ the Lord has come to earth!”

Verse 3
Come to earth to taste our sadness,
He whose glories knew no end.
By His life He brings us gladness,
Our redeemer, Shepherd, Friend.
Leaving riches without number,
Born within a cattle stall;
This the everlasting wonder,
Christ was born the Lord of all.

Verse 4
Born Thy people to deliver,
Born a child, and yet a King,
Born to reign in us for ever,
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.
By Thine own eternal Spirit
Rule in all our hearts alone;
By Thine all-sufficient merit
Raise us to Thy glorious throne.


He is with us. May we embrace Him no matter how we feel. Don’t let the insects in your light, dim your radiance for Him in how you suffer your suffering. We are one with the Crucified. His suffering bounds us to Him. May we, too bring glory to God in our darkest, lowest places this season. He is with you. His love has saved you. You may be unfaithful, but He is faithful. Worship Him today! May God meet you where you are this coming week. A holiday wrought with both joy and suffering. Merry Christmas!


God is born among us, and He has a name. This name highlights His individuality, and this name is an offer of relationship to every single person. God became one of us not to save humanity in general but to save you, personally. We can view this truth in the way that the God-child interacts with people during His public ministry: He calls His disciples by name; He spends time with the sick; and He eats with sinners. In all circumstances, Jesus looks at the other person to reveal that He has come for them in a personal and life altering manner.


News and Views: December 24, 2024

Woke carols are the latest sign of a church that’s lost faith in its convictions  If you’re planning to attend a carol service tomorrow night, you might want to check out the hymn sheet first – make sure you don’t end up bellowing out: O Come, All Ye Wokeful.
   You see, priests have been told to edit popular carols this Christmas in order to avoid (I really need to create a custom keyboard shortcut for this phrase) “causing unnecessary offence”. Quite why you would be in a church to begin with if you found Christianity so offensive has not been made clear. Image


Recently, I was asked what I thought was the seminal event in the first quarter of the 21st Century. The past twenty-five years, beginning in January of 2000, have been fraught with wars, terrorism, religious persecution, natural disasters, political intrigue, and financial instability. Yet nothing compares to the impact, both short and long-term, of the global elites’ malevolent exploitation of the COVID-19 pandemic to permanently embed an authoritarian international world order.
     The politically motivated and unprecedented overreaction to a virus with a 99.5% survival rate was launched in March 2020, unleashing what can best be described as a once-in-a-century fiasco. Nearly five years later, it is impossible to look at the United States and the world and not conclude that this country and many nations throughout the globe were in the grip, not of a virus, but of delusional madness and malevolence.


Christians in Haifa prepare for Christmas after months of Hezbollah rocket fire  While few in number, Haifa's Christian community is diverse, consisting of five different churches including the Anglican, Catholic and Greek Orthodox.

Israel's Pager Operation Disoriented and Severely Damaged Hezbollah, Here's How They Did It  Those pagers set off a sequence of events that changed the region in ways we cannot yet fully understand...
...The walkie-talkie operation was ten-years in the making. The pagers shorter but still over several years.


Biden administration throws out proposed Title IX transgender sports rule The rule, if it went into effect, would have barred schools from banning transgender athletes from participating in sports teams different from their sex assigned at birth.

Biden administration withdraws student loan forgiveness plans. The department wrote that it was terminating the rulemaking proceeding due to “operational challenges in implementing the proposals.” It said it would “commit its limited operational resources” in these final weeks of the administration “to helping at-risk borrowers return to repayment successfully.”


The Man and the Birds by Paul Harvey

Thursday, December 19, 2024

News and Views: December 19, 2024

On September 6, a pilgrimage to the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica will take place for the “Jonathan’s Tent” association and other groups. The association, known by its original Italian name Tenda di Gionata (TDG), is one of the most prominent pro-LGBT “Catholic” organizations in Italy.


“In 2013, before Affordable Care Act regulations kicked in, insurers denied roughly 1.5% of claims, according to the American Medical Association,” McCaughey points out. “But under ACA rules, denials increased tenfold. Now nearly 15% of claims are denied,” and some insurers are denying a third or more of claims.   
     Doctors and patients aren’t just battling denials — they’re also tangled in a bureaucratic nightmare of preauthorizations. As McCaughey notes, these delays force doctors to get insurer approval before providing care. And here’s the kicker: the person giving the green light is often unqualified to make those decisions. The AMA warns that an OB-GYN might be the one overriding your neurosurgeon’s recommended treatment.

Tom Homan’s Plan to Destroy the Cartel Empire, 
End Child Trafficking, and Secure the Border for Good


Report Links 15-Year-Old Christian School Shooter to Online Satanic Chat Groups  Rupnow’s mass shooting appears to be the latest tragedy stemming from a phenomenon dubbed by researchers as “accelerationism.” According to the Justice Department, Satanic accelerationist groups such as the Order of the Nine Angles, 764 and their various offshoots have a terroristic goal: They want to corrupt the youth, which will accelerate the collapse of Western society.
    In recent months, the DOJ has begun to treat Satanic accelerationist groups as gangs, warning the public of the threat they pose to teenagers in particular.


For me, this is the most offensive claim of all. Israel is fighting a barbarous army of Jew-haters, not a people aspiring for independence. To speak of Israel’s existential clash with Hamas in the same breath as Britain’s many clashes with Irish rebels is a vile calumny against both Israel and the Irish. It defames Israel as a cruel power, when in truth it was Israel that was cruelly attacked by the anti-Semitic rapists and killers of Hamas.

Ireland is facing its own genocide. And few dare to talk about it. In Ireland, hating the Jews is safe, but opposing Muslims is a crime. Israel is not Ireland’s problem: instead it ought to be Ireland’s model. And yet accuse Israel of genocide and you’re a national treasure, but accuse the Irish government of genocide and you’ll face smear campaigns and criminal charges.

There’s a genocide problem in Ireland. The blood of Irish children stains a nation. Israel’s worst enemies are outside it, but Ireland’s worst enemies are inside its own government.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

News and Views: December 18, 2024


China Is Halting Critical Mineral Exports to the US. An Idaho Mine Could Help—If It Ever Secures Federal Permits "Unfortunately, our current permitting process is onerous and has been weaponized by keep-it-in-the-ground activists who oppose mining on solely ideological grounds," Rep. Pete Stauber (R., Minn.), the chairman of the House Natural Resource Committee's energy and mineral subcommittee, told the Free Beacon.
   "This risks our economic and national security, which was further proven when China enacted an export ban of several rare earth minerals, including antimony," Stauber said. "If we don't control our critical mineral future, China will continue to have a stranglehold on the global supply of most of these materials, which is why I will be leading the charge on this issue next Congress."


The U.S. military’s growing DEI policies are creating a climate where fear of unfounded accusations erodes leadership and threatens combat readiness—leaving the nation's future at risk.

American Airlines to drop DEI policies and quotas for recruitment, hiring after lawsuit  American Airlines (AA) will no longer be recruiting and hiring based on the dictates of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies. The company admitted that the policy is a violation of federal laws that protect equal access to employment, America First Legal announced Tuesday.


Pro-Hamas Professor Who Called October 7 'Awesome' To Teach Columbia Course on Zionism  The school’s defense of Massad and his continued employment at the university has already resulted in at least one resignation. International and public affairs adjunct professor Lawrence Rosenblatt quit earlier this week, writing in a letter to the school that allowing Massad to teach a class on Zionism is akin to letting a white supremacist teach a class on racial equality.

Medical School To Host Course With Activist Who Said ‘White People Are Psychopaths’  The far-left activist said that whites are psychopaths because of their biology and 'evolutionary history'

B is for boycott. Bud Light is now a verb. Conservatives have made Ford and other major corporations jettison DEI like the original tea party tossed crates into Boston Harbor.


Poland becomes first EU nation to implement firearms training in all primary and secondary schools  Primary school students will learn weapons safety and how to handle weapons while secondary school students will learn how to shoot and shooting safety. They will use ball guns, air guns, replicas of small arms, virtual and laser ranges. The weaponry classes are mandatory for all students, many of whom say it's a good idea. One high school student said "it feels good to hit the target" while another said "it's a good idea. Life is scary these days, so you have to be prepared for anything."


Madison School Shooter Manifesto Reveals Misanthropic Teen Girl Who Celebrated Killers  The alleged manifesto of the 15-year-old girl who shot and killed three people, including herself, at a private Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin, reveals she deeply hated people and celebrated killers. Natalie Rupnow, who was also known as Samatha, was identified as the main suspect in the shooting and was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot at the scene of the killings by police.


As the New York Times reports, software being installed on high school students’ school-issued devices tracks every word they type. An algorithm then analyzes the language for evidence of teenagers wanting to harm themselves.
   Unsurprisingly, the software can get it wrong by woefully misinterpreting what the students are actually trying to say. A 17-year-old in Neosho, Missouri, for instance, was woken up by the police in the middle of the night.
   As it turns out, a poem she had written years ago triggered the alarms of a software called GoGuardian Beacon, which its maker describes as a way to “safeguard students from physical harm.”


Johnson also faced criticism over hiring too many staffers and paying them too much. Chicago reporter William Kelly told Fox News that Johnson has enlisted more than 100 staffers and each of them has a six-figure salary. He also argued many of the positions appear frivolous.

Horrific story about Venezuelan migrant gangbangers violently torturing people in Colorado doesn’t get picked up by the legacy media   When it was first reported in August that Venezuelan gang members were terrorizing and taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, the story was downplayed. It was basically called an exaggeration or a disproven conspiracy. After all, they were busy campaigning for Kamala, and the truth would have been harmful to her campaign. They didn’t really care about the dangers to society. All they cared about was defeating Trump, who had told the truth about dangerous criminals from other countries invading the U.S. for a long time.
   When someone kills a person with a gun, Biden is the first one to come out demanding more Second Amendment infringements.


Biden Cabinet Officials Asked If Biden Was Fit to Serve - Bizarro World Ensues Questions about Biden's mental acuity surfaced early on in his presidency. There were little things that the media dutifully ignored, like referring to Vice President Kamala Harris as "President Harris," calling Harris the "president-elect," and not remembering Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's name, saying, “My . . . the guy who runs that outfit over there.” In March of 2021, Biden fell three times while going up the stairs of Air Force One. The serious questions came after the presidential debate in June between Donald Trump and Biden. Just 10 minutes in, Biden lost his train of thought, slurred his words, and his answers to questions trailed off. It was at that point that calls for Biden to drop out of the race began.


Kroger stores are reportedly trying to make baby murder as cheap and convenient as possible, with abortion pills for only $7. Our nation has become very sick, and the pro-life Founding Fathers would be horrified. Image

Moderna Halts mRNA RSV Vaccine Trial for Children After Five Infants were Hospitalized  During the study’s younger cohort phase (5 months to <8 months), severe RSV-associated lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) emerged in a disproportionate number of vaccinated participants compared to those who received a placebo.

If I am reading and interpreting the numbers correctly, this puts medically-assisted dying up there with influenza, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cirrhosis of the liver as causes of death for Canadians. And, ironically enough, above suicide—though medically-assisted dying is essentially a form of suicide.


This is a scandal not unlike Biden’s inability to build the EV charging stations he promised. As of last month, after $7.5 billion was allocated in 2021 for that project, only eight charging stations, which have between them 214 charging ports, had been built. Biden bragged earlier this year that he’d build a half million of them.


German Archaeological Find Sheds Light on Christianity's Spread Into Europe  The amulet strongly suggests that the wearer was a devout Christian because it doesn’t include any references to Jewish theology or pagan practices. It’s also noteworthy that the inscription is in Latin because most similar inscriptions from this era were in Greek or Hebrew.
    The inscription also contains a direct reference to Philippians 2:9-11, which reads, “Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Exult In The Savior's Birth

 Exult In The Savior's Birth 
Matt Boswell

Verse 1
Shepherds watched their flocks at night,
attending lowly sheep;
Now within a cattle shed,
a much stranger watch they keep.
Today, a Savior has been born
and He is Christ, the Lord;
Placed within a humble trough,
this baby must be adored.

Verse 2
Pagan wise men from the East
seek out the infant King;
Trackless miles behind them lie
and now all their rev’rence bring.
They have come to worship Him
with spices and with gold;
Countless millions seek Him still,
who’s advent was long foretold.

Verse 3
For to us a child is born,
to us a Son is giv’n;
He shall reign in righteousness,
this Counselor King from heav’n.
The government will rest on Him,
He is the mighty God;
Prince of Peace, this gentle King
yet rules with a mighty rod.

Verse 4
Scriptures say that Mary’s boy
was born that he might die;
Angel voices burst in praise,
their harmony fills the sky.
Sing, “Glory in the highest heav’n!”
Sing, “Gracious peace on earth!”
Those on whom His favor rests,
exult in the Saviour’s birth.

For unto us a child is born, 
for unto us a Son is given
A Savior given

News and Views: December 14, 2024

Stunned News Nation Reporter Shifts Views on Mysterious Drones


While the rules aimed to increase representation of women and minorities on corporate boards, the court found them inconsistent with federal securities laws, emphasizing limits on the authority of regulatory agencies to shape corporate governance. The Fifth Circuit's ruling deals a blow to recent, progressive trends in the corporate world - pushed by government agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) - calling for more diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on corporate boards.

Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights is equality of outcome promised to Americans. In this new millennium, Democrats have denounced the essence of true American greatness. The fact that this put-upon assemblage continues to belly-up to the bar of entitlements first offered by Democrat leaders like Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” legislation shows both how entitled they have become and out of touch they are with our Constitution.


‘This Is ILLEGAL’: Speaker Johnson Calls For Further Investigation Into Democrats’ Fundraising Machine As The Federalist has reported, ActBlue has been accused of being a “money laundering operation,” suspected of serving as a conduit for smurfing. In campaign finance land, smurfing entails “breaking up large-scale donations in a way that disguises who the money is actually coming from, so the contribution limits on how much money can be donated to a particular candidate can be skirted,” explained former Federal Election Commission member Hans von Spakovsky in column for Fox News.


‘Totally unacceptable’: House Education committee criticizes Dept. of Ed. targeting of Christian colleges   But a former department official under the Trump administration said reform is needed – and the problem dates back years.
   â€œThe Obama and Biden administrations both executed severe attacks on Christian organizations, including Christian colleges,” Adam Kissel told The College Fix via email. “They wouldn’t tolerate beliefs that conflict with their policies.”


Mixing high-achieving, average and low-achieving students in the same class was a noble experiment, writes Ryan Normandin, a high school math and physics teacher in Newton, Massachusetts. But it's not working in math, science and foreign language classes. Everyone learns less, he writes. The students who need the most support are doing the worst.


Increasingly, children who are up for adoption are being placed into the arms of homosexual men. Sometimes, such men purchase children outright via surrogacy. All of this we allow, and some even encourage it. Christians and conservatives have long since warned about the risk of child sexual abuse in these scenarios, in addition to denying the child of a healthy family dynamic through the absence of a mother. These concerns have been dismissed and ridiculed, and we are beginning to see the results.
    There is a horrifying new trend in which homosexual pedophiles are adopting children for the sake of sexual exploitation and then sharing them with other homosexuals.



Canada Euthanized 15,343 People in 2023, a Whopping 15.8% Increase  Euthanasia for dementia was listed as a reason in 241 deaths with 106 of those deaths listing dementia as the only reason.
Similar to other jurisdictions the reason for seeking euthanasia was highly oriented to the person’s social condition.
-96% listed “Loss of ability to engage in meaningful activities”,
-87% listed “Loss of ability to perform activities of daily living”,
-70% listed “Loss of dignity”,
-55% listed “Inadequate pain control”.
It is important to note that loneliness and isolation was listed in more than 21% of all euthanasia deaths representing more than 3200 people.



Friday, December 13, 2024

News and Views: December 13, 2024

“Joe Biden just pardoned multiple Chinese spies and an individual convicted of possessing child p*rnography. WHY?”

Joe Biden still has well over a month left in office. He can do a lot of damage between now and then. Who knows? He may have just been getting started with this convict flood. The borders are going to be wide open until then, too. The woods are thick and deep, and we're not out of them yet.


As Americans’ Tolerance For Wokeness Dies, The Left’s Appetite For Violence Only Grows  It feels like an inflection point: The acquittal of Daniel Penny happened on the same day as the arrest of the accused murderer of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson.
   Penny being found not guilty is a repudiation of the anarcho-tyranny the left has been imposing since the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020. Despite last-minute shenanigans from the prosecution, the jury understood that Penny’s restraint of a violent, threatening felon on the subway was justified. The verdict is an indication that people, even in liberal New York City, have had enough of rioting, defunding the police, and soft-on-crime prosecutors who let criminals walk while locking up those who dare to defend themselves and others. Screenshot


Federal Judge Blocks Biden Rule Providing Health Insurance to Illegal Aliens  “Congress never intended that illegal aliens should receive Obama care benefits,” Kobach posted on X. “Indeed, two laws prohibit them from receiving such benefits.”
   Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton applauded the decision on social media.
   â€œWe have secured a preliminary injunction and nationwide stay STOPPING the Biden Administration’s illegal attempt to grant nearly 147,000 DACA recipients publicly funded health insurance coverage,” Paxton wrote.


Sharia’s Silent Advance: How a Muslim Immigrant Built a North Carolina Mosque as a Hub for Islamic Conquest  Let’s be clear: This wasn’t about community “integration,” as the Mosque’s founder recently claimed. It was about establishment—a foothold in the heart of America. The price? $3.6 million, financed and paid off in under a decade. No one objected because the property was already zoned for religious use, conveniently skirting neighborhood scrutiny.
   Fifteen years later, the Apex Mosque isn’t just a place of prayer—it’s a center for indoctrination, expansion, and beachheads for foreign powers like Turkey, Qatar, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia that aim to spread Islam in the West...


Vatican removes nativity scene portraying baby Jesus lying in manger with Palestinian keffiyeh â€œWe are relieved at reports that the Vatican has decided to remove the provocative Nativity display with an infant Jesus resting on a black-and-white keffiyeh, which is an unmistakable symbol of Palestinian nationalism,” Parsons said. “This Crèche not only denigrated Jewish heritage, it also undermined core tenets of the Christian faith. Indeed, millions of Christians worldwide were instantly incensed by this exhibit ahead of the Christmas season, and the Vatican did the right thing in taking it down.” Screenshot


Crystal Mangum admits during interview to falsely accusing Duke lacrosse players of rape in 2006 "I testified falsely against them by saying that they raped me when they didn't, and that was wrong, and I betrayed the trust of a lot of other people who believed in me," Mangum told host Katerena DePasquale during the interview.


'A Lot of Government Coercion': Study Slams the 'Forced Transition' to EVs That Consumers Don't Seem to Want “Up until two years ago or so, electricity demand in the United States was flat so nobody worried about running out of electricity. But with the data center boom and AI [artificial intelligence], there’s been a sudden spike in demand for electricity, and demand is expected to continue growing,” Stein told the DCNF. “Now you’re suddenly talking about not having enough electricity to supply everyday use at the same time we are trying to force pre-existing transportation systems to run on electricity. When you combine that EVs are more expensive and less flexible with the possibility we may be running out of electricity to keep homes cool and to operate industrial facilities, the logic of pursuing [the EV transition] gets even worse.”


Thursday, December 12, 2024

News and Views: December 12, 2024

This is Biden’s real legacy. The Left used a senile puppet to fundamentally change national demographics and it remains debatable whether we are ever going back. I’d like to be optimistic on that score. I know many people are. Given another 4 years, things would have looked even grimmer.
   But understand that the people who did this knew what they were doing, and much like the ones setting policy in the UK under Tony Blair and now Keir Starmer, did so deliberately. They traded on the reps of some dubious pols to fundamentally change and destroying nations. Image

The NY Times finally tells the truth about Biden’s border failures — AFTER the election  With the election safely over, the Times has finally informed its readers that, wouldn’t you know it, “the immigration surge of the past few years has been the largest in US history”, and “the Biden administration’s policy appears to have been the biggest factor.”


Such minerals are considered critical for national security. China is a major producer of antimony, which is used in flame retardants, batteries, night-vision goggles and nuclear weapon production, according to a 2021 U.S. International Trade Commission report.
   The limits announced by Beijing on Tuesday also include exports of super-hard materials, such as diamonds and other synthetic materials that are not compressible and extremely dense. They are used in many industrial areas such as cutting tools, disc brakes and protective coatings.


Sickening 'Wanted' Posters Targeting Corporate Execs Pop Up Across NYC   But now they've taken their hate and vulgarity offline to the streets of New York. Several people reported across various social media platforms on Wednesday that someone had hung "wanted" posters throughout New York City, featuring the names and photos of other executives in the healthcare and insurance industries. The posters included one of Thompson with a giant red "X" crossed over his face.


However, a BLM leader shooting his mouth off about a case going against his pet cause is nothing new. Like all hate groups, BLM supports its chosen race by behaving as if its members are “oppressed” unless they’re free to behave in the worst way possible, without consequence. They were always going to react to this case with nonsensical, bellicose posturing. However, Newsome’s call for racialized vigilantism may be more than overheated rhetoric, if such “vigilantes” do, indeed, rise and take the law into their own hands over specious ideas of “oppression.” This would be like the “knockout game” on steroids. What’s more, we know from Dafna Yaron’s own mouth that the New York District Attorney’s office will have no problem whatsoever letting such behavior slide in the name of “empathy.”


Government Funneled Unprecedented Amount Of Money To Criminal Gangs Through COVID Relief, Oversight Report Finds COVID relief programs proved vulnerable to widespread fraud due to minimal oversight and allowing grantees to self-certify their eligibility for payments, Weidinger wrote. International criminal enterprises were particularly successful at exploiting pandemic relief programs.
   â€œTransitional criminal networks engaged in large-scale operations that submitted fraudulent claims, laundered illicit funds through financial systems, and transferred proceeds across borders,” the Oversight Committee wrote in their report.


National mood shift since Trump’s win is reviving America’s lost vigor  We lived under a milder version of what tyrants accomplish, a condition called “preference falsification.” 
   If it’s not safe for people to express their true feelings, even a majority can be made to feel hopelessly outnumbered.
   And it mostly worked, until the election revealed that most Americans weren’t on board with open borders, a DEI-based military, woke racial politics, a diplomacy simultaneously warmongering and weak, and rampant corruption.

Yes, It Was a Landslide...Trump’s victory gets bigger the more it is scrutinized.  Of late, Americans have suffered a surfeit of Democrats and their apologists saying something isn’t true when it patently is—that Joe Biden was capable of being president, that the Democrat elite wasn’t deposing Joe Biden when they drove him from the ticket, that Kamala Harris was his qualified replacement, that Joe Biden wouldn’t pardon Hunter. The list is endless; it stretches back in time and extends uninterrupted into it. But nowhere is Democrat denial greater than in their attempt to deny Trump’s November presidential landslide.

Within a matter of just sixteen years this nation was governed by the most anti-American president and the most corrupt presidents in its history. Coupled with an Obama controlled and Marxist-influenced Democrat Party and their ability to manipulate elections, America was facing an inevitable descent into a one-party socialist oligarchy. Thus, the importance of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement in rescuing this nation in 2024 cannot be overstated.


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

News and Views: December 11, 2024

In a War Against China, the US Runs Out of Missiles in a Matter of Weeks, House Committee Finds   America’s cache of long-range antiship missiles, critical to defending Taiwan in a sea battle in the case of a Chinese invasion, will run dry within three to seven days, according to the committee’s findings. Within a month, meanwhile, the United States would run out of long-range cruise missiles. Taiwan’s own supply of mid-range antiship missiles would also be expended within a week of battle.
   The findings are raising alarm bells among lawmakers, who worry America’s defense industrial base is woefully unprepared to deliver the arms needed once China makes good on its repeated threats to invade Taiwan. With China’s military rapidly growing, U.S. supply lines remain strained amid conflicts in the Middle East and other geopolitical hotspots.


Why is Britain locking up dissidents and treating criminals with kid gloves?  Why are people who dare utter hurty words about asylum seekers being “tramps” handed out real prison sentences, but actual paedophile toddler-abusers only get fake ones?


The Clock Strikes Thirteen...And the Establishment gets washed away by a preference cascade. But it was a damn close-run thing   And now something else is happening. Since the election, I see pushback against woke ideology in all sorts of places. But what’s really interesting is that the pushback started not with the allegedly freethinking educated classes, but with the working class that made up the core of Trump’s movement. Now, with the election won, you see people who would have been afraid to embrace Trump, or at least to treat him normally, doing so. The election gave them permission.


Trump Assassination Attempt Task Force Releases Final Report, Says Biden-Harris DOJ and FBI Offered 'Limited Cooperation'  The task force accessed more than 18,000 pages of documents and 46 transcribed witness interviews over the course of its investigation. Ultimately, it concluded the attempt on Trump’s life at his Butler, Pa. rally was “preventable and should not have happened.”
   â€œThere was not, however, a singular moment or decision that allowed Thomas Matthew Crooks to nearly assassinate the former President,” the report said. “The various failures in planning, execution, and leadership on and before July 13, 2024, and the preexisting conditions that undermined the effectiveness of the human and material assets deployed that day, coalesced to create an environment in which the former President—and everyone at the campaign event—were exposed to grave danger.”

The truth is that leftists are far more prone to want to murder their opponents because they’ve been infected by the Marxist-power-struggle virus, which leads them to think that the murder of a political opponent is always justifiable homicide.
  In the case of health care, the left will never be satisfied until the government controls the entire system, soup to nuts, with Sen. Bernie Sanders making decisions about which patients live or die. If that means sacrificing a few health insurance CEOs on the road to this socialist Nirvana, so be it.


Judiciary Committee: FBI Using Banks to Surveil Bank Accounts Without Warrants   â€œâ€Śas a condition of participating in the modern economy, Americans are forced to disclose details of their private lives to a financial industry that has been too eager to pass this information along to federal law enforcement.”


Transgender procedures are the deliberate infliction of disability and mutilation in order to treat a psychiatric condition, for which psychiatric care, and only psychiatric care, is medically justified.
    Irrespective of the ideological and scientific debate about transgenderism, the ethical transgressions of transgender procedures are appalling.  These vulnerable children and adults need high-quality psychiatric care and compassionate social support, not castration with puberty-blockers, cross-sex hormones, and mutilating surgery.  I am ashamed of the medical profession’s embrace of these ghastly treatments, and I call on ethical doctors everywhere to protect vulnerable children and adults from grievous harm caused by the medical profession.   Excellent-read it all!

The DOJ and a Texas judge are muzzling a doctor who blew the whistle on alleged child mutilation Eithan Haim is a Texas physician who bravely exposed a Texas hospital that was allegedly abusing children through mutilating procedures, even though those procedures are illegal under Texas law. The Biden administration promptly indicted Haim for violating the rules against exposing people’s private health information...although he did nothing of the kind. Now, the federal judge trying the case has silenced Haim from speaking out while the case is pending. Fortunately, his wife isn’t silenced, and she’s exposing the judge’s corruption.


So it turns out that Social Distancing did make sense-for the unvaccinated seeking to protect themselves from the stupidity of the vaccinated  Plastic bubbles, absurd tyrannies and Social Distancing were never, ever going to stop an airborne virus from circulating or enact the kind of separation that makes viral transfer impossible. The effort was ridiculous and doomed to failure (which is why previous pandemic preparation documents had never contemplated any of these measures or had specifically stated that they would not work).
     But what if shedding exists and is, say, skin contact based rather than expelled in droplets by breath into the air? Then suddenly social distancing would make SOME sense but purely for vulnerable non-vaccinated groups protecting themselves from the PRIOR gullibility and stupidity of those vaccinated persons who took mRNA gene therapies as vaccines.


Survey: Homeschool And Christian School Graduates Far More Likely To Keep Their Faith  Public education is erasing America’s future by killing the Christian beliefs that inspire parenthood.


New Test Scores Show 4th and 8th Graders Falling Further Behind in Math   "The results are sobering," NCES Commissioner Carr told ABC News. "We started this assessment in 1995, so we have, essentially … erased the gains that we were seeing for decades."  
   It's not just the pandemic. Carr points out that scores have been falling since 2015.
   "This decline that we're seeing was there in 2015, so all of this cannot be blamed on COVID," Carr said. "We have been struggling with declining scores, particularly in math, for a while."


Green Energy Failure: UK Spends Over ÂŁ1 Billion This Year to Turn Off Wind Farms and Start up Gas Plants This situation should serve as a cautionary tale for other countries considering similar energy transitions. Wind power, like electric vehicles, is often portrayed as a panacea for our environmental woes. However, the reality is far more complex. Wind energy is expensive, environmentally harmful, and, as the UK is discovering, often inefficient. Consumers are not only paying for the construction of these wind farms but also for their failings. The question remains: who will bear the cost of deconstructing these wind farms when the climate change crisis, much like the COVID-19 pandemic, loses its urgency?

If China, India, and the Third World are making global warming unpreventable, then we need to focus on mitigation of its effects, rather than prevention efforts that will ultimately prove futile.
