Thursday, July 21, 2005

Busy Youth Ministry Means No Time For God

Youth minister: create space for kids to ''be still and know'' rather than produce program after program giving more information and ''convincing'' kids to follow Jesus.

Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005
Posted: 10:38:03AM EST
Ministers of youths have increasingly noticed that youths are kept too busy.

As a youth pastor, I see many teens who are stressed out from being too busy," wrote Tim Geare and Tim Sanford from Focus on the Family. Topher Philgreen of YouthFront believes effective youth ministers must create space for kids to “be still and know" rather than produce program after program giving more information and “convincing” kids to follow Jesus.

Philgreen asked, "When was the last time you were still? When was that last time you got so still that when the Holy Spirit whispered into your heart, it was like a roar?" in a recent article for National Network of Youth Ministries.



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