Saturday, July 02, 2005

On "Personal" Faith
What Is Personal Is Common

When I ask what "forcing our beliefs on others" actually means, the reply generally boils down to "talking about our beliefs in any way." The idea at work behind this notion is that personal means subjective, private, esoteric and inward.

I used to believe this myself when I was a teenager. "Spiritual" experiences were, I thought, the sort of thing that ought to happen to us when we have achieved some special state of consciousness, some plateau of contemplation forbidden to the unwashed herd of humanity, some enlightened state of mystical insight incommunicable to the hoi polloi. However, as I got older (and especially as I came to understand the Catholic faith better), I learned something I should have know all along.

Personal things are not private; personal things are common.

More here:


At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so simply stated, yet so profound. I think that many times when people ask questions regarding faith, they truly want to know where we stand, personally. Why not tell them? We speak of love for our spouse, our kids, even our pets....shouldn't we speak of love for God as well? Thanks for sharing this Pat...I love your blog! :)


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