Sunday, July 17, 2005

Tamma Vogt: I am from St. John’s parish and we’ve been robbed!!!
From titusonenine

Everyone should know that we have done nothing wrong! Not Father Mark, not the vestry, not the parish! We did everything by the book. Applied for DEPO, informed Bishop Smith of Father Mark’s sabbatical, wrote numerous letters to Smith (so far as I am aware without a reply back). Over the past few months while Father Mark was on sabbatical, the congregation’s pastoral needs were well taken care of. God Bless Father Clay Knapp for supplying us with Sunday Eucharist. Also Father Thomas Beck provided for Tuesday weekday worship. And as if that wasn’t enough, the rest of the CT6 priests, including our in town priest Father Helmandollar, was also available on call. So Andrew Smith’s ridiculous charge of “I did this out of concern for the pastoral needs of the parish” is simply not true.

We’ve been robbed of our priest and of our building!!! The people that now occupy my beautiful building have no regard for the congregation as a whole, the vestry or even the canons. And now I’m told the Gospel no longer sits on my beautiful altar at St. John’s! I pray they put it back!

The rest:


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