Thursday, August 04, 2005

Replay of Connecticut and Philadelphia sanctions

SAGINAW, MI (8/4/2005)--The invitation of "sentence" arrived in the mail. Fr. Gene Geromel, 57, a priest in the Episcopal Church for 31 years, was told he was being deposed by the bishop of Eastern Michigan, Edwin Leidel at precisely 10.00am.

At 8.45am Fr. Geromel drove up to his parish, St. Bartholomew's in Swartz Creek where he met with 30 parishioners. With him was Fr. Bill Ilgenfritz, V-P of Forward in Faith, NA (who is based in the Diocese of Pittsburgh) and together they drove to diocesan headquarters in downtown Saginaw.

When he arrived he asked if he could take with him his senior and junior warden to see the bishop but was told he could not. The bishop and two presbyters then emerged from their officers and escorted Fr. Geromel and Fr. Ilgenfritz into the chapel where the Paschal Candle was burning brightly. "The lit candle was for my requiem," he told VirtueOnline. There was a brief pause and then Bishop Leidel solemnly read a statement of deposition talking up his generosity and then moved towards the altar where he formally signed it. He gave a copy to Fr. Geromel turned on his heels and left the chapel.

Fr. Ilgenfritz rose and made a statement in the presence of Fr. Geromel and the Rev. D.O. Smart Mid-Atlantic Dean of the Mid-Continental Convocation of the Anglican Communion Network then met in the hallway with the local press, TV and radio. The Rev. Smart, told reporters, “Bishop Leidel has asked Father Geromel to be disobedient to Holy Scripture and the Tradition of the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and to embrace a counterfeit Gospel.”

The rest at Virtueonline


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