Sunday, August 14, 2005

Fears and Fallacies
How to Stand Your Ground
August 12, 2005
Note: This commentary was delivered by Prison Fellowship President Mark Earley.

A professor at a well known liberal arts college became infamous for starting each semester by holding up a Bible and asking, “How many of you believe this book is the Word of God?” One or two undergraduates might have sheepishly raised their hands. The professor would then say, “Do you want to know what I think of this book? This is what I think of it”—and he would hurl the Bible out an open window.

Even more astonishing, this display took place at a Christian college. Hostility to biblical faith is now common on both secular and religious campuses, says J. Budziszewski in his newly updated book How to Stay Christian in College. The attitude seems to be “ABC”—Anything But Christianity.

The rest


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