Kansas Schools Approve of Evolution Criticism
The Kansas State Board of Education voted yesterday in favor of new state science standards that could lessen the role evolution plays in teaching about the origin of life. However, there will be an external review of the policy before the final vote
Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005
Posted: 2:48:52AM EST
The Kansas State Board of Education voted yesterday in favor of new state science standards that could lessen the role evolution plays in teaching about the origin of life. However, there will be an external academic review of the policy before the final vote later this year.
Although the 10-member board voted 6-4 on Tuesday in favor of the new curriculum that has been advocated by supporters of “intelligent design,” the draft of standards will first be sent to a Denver-based education consultant before the board will make its final decision in September or October. If approved, Kansas will be the fourth state to adopt a critical view of evolution in the past four years. Other states include Minnesota, Ohio, and New Mexico.
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