Monday, September 26, 2005

Creek Baptisms Endure
Mountain Faithful Still Immerse in Streams in Spite of Polluted Waterways
The Associated Press

VAN LEAR, Ky.The Rev. Ted Dawson stood waist-deep in an eastern Kentucky creek preparing to dip two new converts beneath the water in a baptismal service that many Appalachian churches prefer -- outdoors in free-flowing water, evoking Jesus in the Jordan River.

These Protestants believe full immersion in water for professing youths and adults is a necessity, and that there's no better place for Christianity's initiation rite than the great outdoors.

"We were raised that way," said Susie Hall, who was baptized with her husband by Dawson in Johns Creek earlier this year. "I feel closer to God in nature."

The rest


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