Wednesday, September 28, 2005

An Open Letter to the Diocese of Southern Virginia
from titusonenine

To: Our Brothers and Sisters in the Diocese of Southern Virginia
From: The Vestry of the Church of the Messiah, Chesapeake
The Vestry of Christ Church, Emporia
The Vestry of Grace Church, Purdy

We write this letter to you today, because as Ezekiel writes of the responsibilities of the watchman, we are called to alert you to the crisis occurring within the church we all love. We believe that there are many who are unaware of what is occurring within the Episcopal Church, and we want to ensure that you are informed.

At General Convention 2003 (GC2003), the Episcopal Church approved the selection of a non-celibate homosexual man as the Bishop of New Hampshire. At the same time, a resolution was passed by the convention declaring that the blessing and celebrating of same-sex unions was “within the bounds of our common life.”

In a direct violation of Scripture and historical Anglican teaching and tradition, with these two declarations, the Episcopal Church has crossed a line that will possibly separate it forever from its relationship with the worldwide Anglican Communion. With the exception of Bishop David Bane, the entire delegation of the Diocese of Southern Virginia - your delegates -voted unanimously in favor of both of these acts. Are you, as a member of the Diocese of Southern Virginia, in agreement with this? Are you aware that these two acts have caused grave concern among the majority of the provinces of the Anglican Communion?

The rest


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