Thursday, September 22, 2005

Schism in Anglican Communion Predicted by Commentators
The Anglican Communion continues to face the likely prospect of a schism as the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams struggles to maintain unity between warring liberals and conservatives.
Posted: Thursday, September 22 , 2005, 11:55 (UK)

Church commentators have been passing comments on an expected schism within the Anglican Communion over the trundling debate on the rights and role of homosexuals within the Anglican Church, after the Church of England’s decision to allow gay bishops registered under the Civil Partnership Act on the promise of abstinence.

The decision by the Church of Nigeria to drop all reference to Canterbury in its new constitution is the latest in a long line of events that have served to deepen divisions within the Communion including the ordination of a gay bishop in the U.S. and the blessing of same sex marriage in Canada.

“The longer this sort of rhetoric goes on, the less people will make the effort to stay together with people they disagree with,” said Church Times editor Paul Handley to Reuters on Tuesday.

Rod Thomas, spokesman for Reform, a conservative evangelical group within the Church of England, said, “It looks as if we are heading in the direction of schism. Rowan Williams is part of the problem and not the solution.”

The rest


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