Sunday, October 30, 2005

Theology pair flips Bible upside-down on sexuality
'We must reject at the outset any notion of the supreme authority of scripture'
Posted: October 29, 2005

If a pair of visiting scholars, speaking this week at Florida Southern College's annual Bible Symposium, are correct, practically everything most people believe the Scriptures teach about sex is wrong.

The topic of this year's symposium, the Lakeland Ledger reported, was "Sex, Love and Marriage in Scripture and Tradition." Two of the presentations, however, were less than traditional, and many would say, unscriptural.

James L. Crenshaw, professor of Old Testament at Duke Divinity School, questioned Scripture's authority to govern matters of sexuality – the Old Testament text, he argued, was written over 12 centuries under a variety of shifting circumstances. It is the reader, he argued, that determines the text's meaning.

"We possess no statement describing a normative practice" of sex and marriage, he told the attendees.
the rest


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