Monday, December 19, 2005

The greatest of the liberal fears in ECUSA - Conservatives Talking To Laity
Brad Drell @ 4:35 pm

If you haven’t read Kendall Harmon’s piece,
Kerfuffle in the Diocese of Kansas, please do so. Essentially, a deacon who left the Episcopal Church was ordained in the Church of Uganda, and then becomes a Dean of a convocation within the Anglican Communion Network. The issue? The dean sends a letter to all manner of Episcopal wardens in 20 some odd states. The Bishop of Kansas goes ballistic.

The letter merely offers to send the senior wardens a copy of the Hope and A Future DVD. You can see its
content here.

What can we glean from all this? The main thing the liberals fear is that the laity might hear from conservatives, and maybe even listen. The HOBD listserv is howling about all of this, and I’ve received emails like “Your smart buddies are getting desperate.” I would hardly classify Dean Smart’s letter as “desperate.” Other friends of mine in the center say Smart’s letter is counter-productive to reconciliation. Since when is information EVER counterproductive to reconciliation? Reconciliation, last I checked, when based on misinformation is not parties being reconciled, it is one party duping the other. Is that what the Episcopal Church is after? After what I’ve seen, this is precisely so.

The rest at Drell's Descants


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