Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Why Believers Aren't as Healthy as They Should Be
Jordan Rubin

The Church has its fair share of sick and hurting people. These days when I speak at churches, I can’t help but hear about the substantial number of people seeking prayer for cancer treatments, heart ailments, arthritis, and liver problems. Ill health is now the number-one prayer request for churches and ministries. I’ve also taken notice of prayer requests for “tough cases”: children fighting diabetes, thirty-year-olds battling Parkinson’s disease, and fifty-something schoolteachers exhibiting the first stages of neurological disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Don’t we know that we’re setting ourselves up for debilitating disease and/or early death by making poor choices in what we eat and how we live? Of course, we do. You and I live in the Information Age, when our knowledge reportedly doubles every four to five years. To put things in a modern-day perspective, a weekday edition of the New York Times newspaper offers more information than the average person living in 17th-century England would come across in a lifetime. Although more and more information is available than at any other time in human history, I can’t say we’re any healthier in the 21st century. In fact, the research shows that we’re becoming less healthy.
The rest


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