Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Judas betrayed once more
Ruth Gledhill weblog

Maybe this post should be titled 'Jesus betrayed once more.' Because none of what I have read on this
interesting new text gives any real indication of the truly baleful nature of the more sinister Mystery Cults. These are the cults that influenced many of the gnostic sects, and in particular the gnostic sect from which the Gospel of Judas derives. I am coming so late to this story and for that many apologies to loyal readers of this blog, I was away for a bit. I know the story is now, oh so over. It is so last week. So last millennium-but-one in fact. So so'rry if I'm so'ing on stony ground here. But reading all about it while sunning myself on the shores of Lake Coniston last week, I think it has highlighted some oh so dangerous trends in contemporary so'ciety that I can't conscientiously fail to address. There is a good debate and some useful links on this blog here.

the rest


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