Saturday, May 13, 2006

American Baptists Split Over Homosexuality, Theology
Saturday, May. 13, 2006

The American Baptist Churches of the Pacific Southwest severed ties with the national denomination on Thursday, concluding a yearlong battle over the theological interpretation of homosexuality.

The Board of Directors of the Pacific Southwest voted unanimously to confirm a late April decision by delegates from the region’s 300 churches to withdraw from the American Baptists Church, USA.

The board of directors always had the authority to withdraw, but decided to seek input from delegates of the local churches.

“The overwhelming response of delegates from the churches was a mandate in the minds of the members of the Board of Directors,” said Dr. Dale V. Salico, executive minister of the ABCPSW.

As in other historic mainline denominations, divisions over homosexuality have threatened the unity of 1.4 million-member American Baptists for years.
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