Monday, May 08, 2006

Charismatic Renewal Turning 40
Thousands to Mark Anniversary and Join Vigil of Pentecost
ROME, MAY 7, 2006

( More than 10,000 members of communities of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal will observe the vigil of Pentecost with Benedict XVI.

The celebration, organized in conjunction with the Pontifical Council for the Laity, coincides with the 40th anniversary of the renewal, and is one of a series of events organized by the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (

According to Oreste Pesare, director of the ICCRS office in the Vatican, the events "will certainly make the imminent celebration of Pentecost richer and more fruitful."

Communities of the renewal will also participate in the Mass on Pentecost Sunday in the Vatican, presided over by the Pope.

Afterward, renewal members will gather in Marino, 14 miles from Rome, "to celebrate the Holy Spirit together in a special way. We are expecting some 10,000 participants," added Pesare.

"The meeting will be entitled 'My Soul Magnifies the Lord,' and will give glory to God for the work carried out every day in each of the faithful through the Holy Spirit, explained the ICCRS director.
the rest


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