Monday, May 15, 2006

Cisterns in a foreign land
Nothing can substitute for God’s Word to quench demons and renew minds
Andrée Seu

Secular psychology is the unpaid debt of the church. Always getting it almost right; plausibly true; a set of straight sixes just missing a perfect seven. Counterfeits.

What's a nice Christian girl like you doing in a secular support group, I quizzed Susie's animated praise of her new psychology find—"Affirmations." She was getting traction with some personal problems of long standing, she replied, heading toward wellness after years in a dark tunnel.
"Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better"—That would be an example of an affirmation, this hackneyed one credited to 19th-century hypnotist Emile Coué.

I poked around on the web and it turns out I'm the last person in any people group to know about affirmations. Sports coaches, sales professionals, performance experts, weight-loss gurus, and millionaire wannabes are up on this technique to achieve personal goals by a new twist on positive thinking.

the rest-excellent!


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