Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Episcopal Lay Group Wants 'Gay' Bishop and Consecrating Clergy Put on Trial
By Jim Brown
May 16, 2006

(AgapePress) - A group of traditionalist Episcopalians wants the 42 bishops who approved the ordination of an openly homosexual bishop to face church trials for, among other things, flagrantly violating their own ordination vows and scripture.

Lay Episcopalians for the Anglican Communion (LEAC) has launched a national petition drive requesting action from 37 Episcopal bishops who opposed the elevation of Vicki Gene Robinson to the position of Bishop of New Hampshire. LEAC has also sent letters asking those 37 bishops to bring ecclesiastical charges against Robinson and the liberal bishops who consecrated him.

Last month LEAC asked Robinson and his consecrators to "recant, repent, resign or retire" because of their actions nearly three years ago. None did so, and their refusal has prompted the lay group to initiate this latest action, calling for church-law indictments against the errant bishops whose "acquiescence to and promotion of the radical gay-lesbian-transgender agenda," according to one LEAC member, has "wrecked our church as we know it."
the rest


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