Monday, May 22, 2006

Hope Rwanda Brings Message of Healing to Scarred African Nation
By Allie Martin
May 22, 2006

(AgapePress) - The anniversary of a tragic and a deadly event in Rwanda has become an occasion to share God's Word and bring healing and hope to the still-scarred African nation.
The Florida-based ministry Book of Hope is in its third week of its scripture distribution project in Africa, an initiative called "
Hope Rwanda: 100 Days of Hope." Through this campaign, volunteers from the United States, Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand, and other countries are handing out more than two million copies of scripture to each child in Rwanda.

Rob Hoskins is helping to coordinate the campaign. He says Hope Rwanda is being held during the twelfth anniversary of the 1994 genocide in that country, a 100-day period of bloodshed in which more than one million men, women, and children were killed by extremist militia groups.
the rest


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