Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Marriage Attack List
Illinois voters, more than 300,000 of them to be somewhat precise, have petitioned the state for a referendum on the matter of "gay marriage."

Masschusetts voters have signed a petition for an admendment that would ban "gay marriages" without provision for "civil unions." A pro-"gay marriage" group,, has a website
where it explains the petition, who's behind it, and how evil it is. It even quotes James Dobson, who said,

"[Marriage equality will] destroy the family, which will destroy the nation, and I think eventually have a major impact on Western Civilization." (CNN's Larry King Live on September 5, 2003)

Note the editorial [brackets]! Dobson didn't say something like "gay marriage" or "homosexual marriage" but "marriage equality"? (If one cannot even argue for a position without changing your opponents words into saying the opposite of what he said, how confident is that?)
the rest


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