Sunday, June 18, 2006

Katharine Schori to head The Episcopal Church
Ruth Gledhill weblog

This is Katharine Jefferts Schori, pictured during the "peace" at her consecration as Bishop of Nevada in 2001. For all my fears that The Episcopal Church is committed irrevocably to schism, I couldn't help but feel a shiver of excitement at the election of a woman to the position of Presiding Bishop, putting her on a level with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the 36 other primates at the head of the Anglican Communion. The 85-million strong Anglican Communion, no less, according to Kenneth Kearon at GenCon06. This makes her one powerful woman, especially given the fact that she's only been a bishop since 2001 anda priest since 1994. Interestingly, on Tuesday of last week, another woman, Bonnie Anderson was elected president of the House of Deputies, the US equivalent of the House of Laity. So The Episcopal Church is now run from the top down by women. Maybe there will be some hope for it after all.

the rest


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