Wednesday, July 19, 2006

St. John's (Fallbrook, CA) Church Aligns with the Worldwide Anglican Communion
July 18, 2006

Fallbrook, Calif. - St. John's Church, a biblically orthodox church, affirms its membership in the Anglican Communion and will no longer be affiliated with the Episcopal Church USA or the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego.

St. John's is now under the jurisdictional oversight of the Anglican Province of Uganda in the Diocese of Luweero, which is a member of the mainstream of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Since its founding, the members of St. John's have remained steadfast and loyal in their commitment to the Holy Scripture, the historic teachings of Christianity and the Anglican Communion. However, the Episcopal Church USA has chosen a path that no longer reflects the membership's steadfast faith.

"St. John's is a biblically orthodox church that wants to remain true to the historic Christian faith," said Rick Crossley, a congregational leader. "Recent actions and inactions at the national convention of the Episcopal Church have made it dear that it has chosen a different course outside the path of mainstream Anglicanism. We are simply remaining faithful to our historic beliefs and values, by aligning ourselves with the orthodox faithful in the Anglican Communion."
The church members and board of directors (called the vestry) of St. John's made this decision with the support of their pastor, The Rev. Donald Kroeger I reflecting the desire of the church to stand firm on its religious convictions.
the rest


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