Saturday, September 02, 2006

A church in crisis
With the Episcopal Church on the brink of schism, here's a look at the denomination's past, present and future
Special to the Star-Telegram

Some say that the Episcopal Church is in a spiritual crisis.

If this is the case, it will have an effect on the 2.3 million Americans who are members.
Since 2003, the Episcopal Church has experienced a loss of more than 72,000 members, according to the American Anglican Council.

Tensions within the U.S. denomination have increased since its top policymaking body, the General Convention, met in June. Leaders had asked delegates for a moratorium on confirming openly gay bishops. This was in response to the 2003 consecration of New Hampshire Bishop V. Gene Robinson, who lives with his longtime male partner. But Episcopal delegates could not agree on the wording of the resolutions. Instead, the convention adopted a nonbinding measure asking church leaders to "exercise restraint" in electing future bishops. The same convention elected Katharine Jefferts Schori, who supports gay relationships, presiding bishop.
the rest


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