Parents, Listen Up!
September 04, 2006
by Marsha West
This is no longer a nation where kids can be kids anymore. The secular humanists have seen to that. Children have been robbed of their innocence because liberals see them as fair game in their struggle to promote their anti-God agenda. Thanks to groups like the ACLU and People for the American Way, youngsters are literally inundated with sex and violence everywhere they turn. The barbarians are no longer at the door; they’ve kicked it down and have taken over the house.
“This is why we ought to continue fighting the culture war—restricting pornography and protecting marriage—because to do so is good for our society. But fighting these battles will help us in another way, as well. As Charles Krauthammer noted in, one of the reasons Islam is fighting ‘the great jihad’ against America has to do with sexual depravity. The jihadists claim that wherever freedom travels—‘especially in America and Europe—it brings sexual license and corruption, decadence and depravity.’” – Charles Colson
the rest
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