Friday, September 08, 2006

Polygamy -- The Next Civil Right
by Paul Hollrah
September 08, 2006

Growing up in small-town Missouri during the 1940s and 50s, I knew of just one homosexual in our town of 15,000 people. And since he’d inherited enough money to live comfortably, he kept to himself and didn’t bother anyone else. There were undoubtedly other gays and a smattering of lesbians in our town but they chose to remain "in the closet."

Upon graduating from high school I was drafted into the U.S.
Army. And in my two years of military service, stateside and overseas, I cannot recall a single instance of homosexual behavior by any of the four hundred or five hundred men that I served with.

The point is, in the world we knew in the 1940s, '50s, and before, homosexuality was rare; it was essentially a non-issue. Those afflicted with an abnormal sexual orientation simply kept it to themselves. They didn’t flaunt their sexuality, nor did they attempt to convince others that they were as "normal" as everyone else.
the rest


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