Monday, October 16, 2006

Left, right and religion: A double standard
The religious right has been demonized for pursuing a political agenda aligned with its beliefs. When the religious left acts in kind, shouldn’t the same scrutiny be applied to its progressive push?

By Patrick Hynes and Jeremy Lott

Should our laws be based on the Ten Commandments? How much religion in government is too much? When does legitimate participation by the pious in civic life take on troubling theocratic overtones? These are questions that conservative religious leaders wish the press would put to them.

In our political tradition, most evangelicals and other conservative Christians today are really moderates. They want a government that is non-sectarian without being hostile to organized religion and people of faith. That's a whole lot closer to what the Founders had in mind than the officially godless public square advocated by the American Civil Liberties Union.
the rest


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