Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Schizophrenic Subterfuge: Why Abortion Became Legal
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." (Declaration of Independence).

But wait: if these words are true, and if this nation was founded to preserve these rights, how is it that some men--the preborn--lack protection and thus are precluded from pursuing Liberty and Happiness, precisely because their Life has been involuntarily extinguished in the womb?

How did this happen? It happened because of an intentional paradigm shift, but it was a shift that occurred by subterfuge and in spite of--not on account of--the facts.

Is this conclusion simply pro-life rhetoric? Is it hot hyperbole? No, instead it is simply the truth as related by abortion advocates themselves. With refreshing candor, listen to the abortion advocates explain. They recognize that abortion flatly rejects the Declaration's "equality principle" and instead invokes another rationale, one contrary to science:

The process of eroding the old ethic and substituting the new has already begun. It may be seen most clearly in changing attitudes toward human abortion. In defiance of the long held Western ethics of intrinsic and equal value for every human life regardless of its stage, condition or status, abortion is becoming accepted by society as moral, right and even necessary. It is worth noting that this shift in public attitude has affected the churches, the laws and public policy rather than the reverse. . . . .
the rest


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