Saturday, December 16, 2006

Will California embrace Marriage Lite?
Debra J. Saunders
December 16, 2006

The latest trend from California could be non-marriage marriage — thanks to a new bill sponsored by state Sen. Carole Migden to expand civil unions to heterosexual couples.

You've heard straight supporters of same-sex marriage quip before: How can same-sex marriage affect their heterosexual unions? Unwittingly, Migden has given ammunition to those who argue that same-sex unions will change the institution of marriage for everyone, as she works to offer all heterosexuals Marriage Lite.

Migden is the author of the 1999 civil union bill that allowed same-sex couples to register with the state as domestic partners. Unfortunately, no state bill can offer same-sex couples all the protections of marriage, such as Social Security survivor benefits — and that should change.

The 1999 bill also allowed heterosexual couples with one partner older than 62 to register as domestic partners — in order to allow seniors to protect their pensions while enjoying some benefits of marriage. Migden had wanted civil unions to apply to straight and same-sex couples of all ages, but agreed to the over-62 compromise. Now with Senate Bill 11, she is pushing to extend the benefit of having it both ways to all heterosexual couples.

Migden's rationale? More than half of couples in the United States are living together without getting married. Migden, in a telephone interview, cited a New York Times article that reported on heterosexual couples who say they will not marry until homosexual couples can do the same. "It's not just Angelina Jolie and Brad," Migden noted. Brad, being Brad Pitt, who wrote in Esquire, "Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able."
the rest


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