Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Anglican Church Leader Discusses Homosexuality, Women, Scripture
George Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury, says The Episcopal Church broke from a resolution on sexuality.
By James Todd
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The former leader of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop George Carey, will speak on campus on his church’s heritage and future Wednesday, Feb. 7, at 2:30 p.m. The address will be in room 0016 Westbrook in the Divinity School and is free and open to the public. Duke Today interviewed Carey by phone in London.

How do you understand the current debates in the church about homosexuality, unity and biblical authority?

All traditions, all denominations are having to face up to this issue of human sexuality. At the [worldwide meeting of bishops at the] Lambeth Conference, which I presided over in 1998 in Canterbury, there was a very remarkable resolution, which I was wholly in favor of, which expressed its view that practicing homosexuality was wrong, but we must listen to homosexuals and continue a journey together. That was overwhelmingly accepted. But then, of course, in 2003, the American church, The Episcopal Church of the United States, decided to break from that position and so Gene Robinson [an openly gay priest] was ordained bishop. That’s been the heart of the issue every since. There are very strong forces on both sides, and I would also want to emphasize that there are good, noble people on both sides of the argument. We should not demonize one another.
the rest


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