Monday, January 22, 2007

Torkelson: Episcopal parish in sad unrest
January 22, 2007

Their pastor is banned, the diocese seized their financial records and their bishop won't answer questions. How much more unsettling can it get for Colorado's largest Episcopal parish?
On Sunday, that's exactly what a standing-room-only crowd of more than 230 wanted to know. They packed the Great Hall at Grace and St. Stephen's parish in Colorado Springs, seeking answers about the removal during the Christmas holidays of their pastor of 20 years, the Rev. Don Armstrong, while Bishop Rob O'Neill investigates an allegation of "misapplied funds."

"To date, the diocese has refused to supply any supporting facts whatsoever. That's not just odd - it reeks to high heaven!" said parishioner Ed Montgomery, urging the crowd to support a petition accusing O'Neill of "an unconscionable and cruel act against our parish and its principal priest."

The reek could also be coming from the meltdown of the venerable, 218-year-old Episcopal Church USA, now a sickly brew of liberals and conservatives stewing over a menu of irreconcilable differences.
the rest


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