Welcome to Transfigurations! This blog is intended to serve the orthodox Christian community. We pray that all that is posted here will be faithful to the Scriptures as the inspired word of God, speak the truth in love, edify, bless and transform the body of Christ, and be an impetus for revival, repentance, prayer and intercession!
Martyred Turkish Christians Buried
Mexico Catholics focus on flock after abortion law
The Military: Faith Under Fire
Salvation: Just click and confess
Reversing Alzheimer's memory loss may be possible
Nigeria: Church of Nigeria Renews Evangelism Focus At New Bishops' Consecration
Catholic hospitals may be forced to do abortions
Bishop Arthur E. Walmsley–The Episcopal Church: A Half Century of Turmoil and Transformation
Digital Christian Outreach Picks Up Steam
Secular Turks draw a political line
Anglican Church names first female archdeacon
Teachers leaving profession in droves
Teachers insist: Being 'gay' good'
Sexual Threats Stifle Some Female Bloggers
Break-away Anglican church growing in Fairfield
Turning to Churches or Scripture to Cope With Debt
New Episcopal bishop's vow one of unity, justice
Earthquake shakes southern England
Church History: America once an Episcopalian nation
Archbishop Expresses Deep Sorrow Over Child Abuse Suffering
Brazil 'Prosperity' Preachers – Victims or Swindlers?
Syphilis Rate Rises in US Homosexual and Bisexual Men but Declines in General Population
Mexico Catholic Lawyers to Take Abortion Law to International Rights Court
Visit by Anglican Bishop Draws Episcopal Anger
India: Christians denounce restrictions on worship
Death by visitation
Shutting Down Opposition
Report Reveals 66 Babies Born Alive After Abortion
Albert Mohler: "There's Not Much Lord in this Church Service"
Gay N.H. bishop to make union official
New Hampshire approves gay unions
Safe haven of church may not be good for you, minister says
Bush meeting with Pope Benedict XVI confirmed
Episcopal Head: Anglican Churches Will Follow 'Journey' to Pro-Gay Stance
Ki-moon to meet Pope Benedict
Boom In Christianity Reshapes Methodists
ACNS: Lambeth Conference Plans move forward
First designer babies to beat breast cancer
Study Says Hispanics Alter U.S. Catholicism
Rabbis try to pass pro-gay resolution
Public consulted over embryo work
Nuns killed for convent treasure
Rector of Holy Innocents', Atlanta, Resigns
Scientists discover new fatal strain of virus