Thursday, April 26, 2007

Albert Mohler: The Bishop Condescends
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of the Episcopal Church USA visited Boston this week and while there granted a noteworthy interview to The Boston Globe. In the course of the interview, Bishop Jefferts Schori described her church's election of an openly-homosexual man as Bishop of New Hampshire as "a great blessing" and said, "I don't believe that there is any will in this church to move backward."

We can safely interpret that statement to mean that the Episcopal Church is unlikely to do what the Anglican Communion has asked -- to repent of its sin and desist from any further elections of homosexual bishops or blessings of homosexual unions. The Presiding Bishop's comments are in direct contradiction to the solemn demands of the world-wide Anglican Communion.

In the interview with
The Boston Globe, Jefferts Schori made her point clearly. Consider this section of the paper's report:

In an interview during a visit to Boston, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori compared the gay rights struggle to battles over slavery and women's rights, and said she believes that it has become a vocation for the Episcopal Church "to keep questions of human sexuality in conversation, and before not just the rest of our own church, but the rest of the world."

Jefferts Schori said that it could take 50 years for the debate over homosexuality to be resolved, but that she believes it will happen. She said she hopes that the Anglican Communion, an umbrella organization including the Episcopal Church and the Church of England, will stay together.
the rest


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