Sunday, April 01, 2007

Theology pushes Episcopalians to Nigerian church
April 1, 2007

Today is Palm Sunday, one of the most important Christian holidays, and it will be especially so for the 2,000 registered members coping with the splintering of Grace Church and St. Stephen’s Parish.

They must decide which Grace Church to attend: one service to be held at Colorado College’s Shove Chapel under the umbrella of the Episcopal Church and led by Grace’s associate rector, Michael O’Donnell; or one at the Grace downtown church led by Grace’s longtime rector, Donald Armstrong, who is backed by board members who voted last week to affiliate with a Nigeria- based Anglican church led by a controversial conservative archbishop.

In December, the Colorado Diocese placed Armstrong on leave as it investigated and accused him of theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars. No criminal complaint has been filed and Armstrong and the board vehemently deny the accusations.
the rest


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