Saturday, May 05, 2007

Junk the junk mail
And do something really significant with what's left over

Joel Belz
May 12, 2007

"I'm calling," the plaintive voice on the other end of the phone explained, "because I simply don't know what to do anymore with all the junk mail I'm getting. I love the organizations I hear from, and I know they're doing the Lord's work. But I don't even have time to read their long reports. I certainly can't give to them all."

When my new friend said he was getting "about a bushel" of such mail every week, I guessed he had to be a farmer. So I asked him about the devastating freeze that had blanketed the whole southeastern United States a few days earlier, and he said that yes, his own losses had totaled something over a quarter of a million dollars. "There won't be any crop this year," he reported ruefully.
the rest


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