Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ruth Gledhill weblog: Bishops Gene and Martyn 'not invited' to Lambeth
May 22, 2007

All I can say to the poor Bishop of New Hampshire, Gene Robinson, who, as we report, will not be invited to Lambeth, is that I know how it feels to be on Canterbury's blacklist. (I was among those 'not invited' to the press briefing this morning. But I can live with that.) It must be particularly hurtful to the liberal catholics who once counted Dr Williams as 'one of them'. Martin Reynolds at LGCM, formerly Rowan's neighbour in Wales, and a gay priest who has registered his civil partnership, is especially angry with his friend. This has not even pleased those on the other side. Anglican Mainstream accused Dr Williams of 'ecclesiastical correctness'.

One senior source said that to single out Robinson was equivalent to arresting the drug user and letting the dealers off scot free. 'What about the consecrating bishops?' he said. 'What about Gregory Venables, and Peter Akinola? Would Jesus get invited to this meeting, as he was a cause of division? This will turn Gene Robinson into the victim, whereas the quarrel is with The Episcopal Church who consecrated him.' the rest


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