Friday, June 15, 2007

ADF: Vote of Mass. legislators against marriage amendment demonstrates contempt for voters
Amendment popular with the people of Massachusetts falls five legislative votes short of inclusion on 2008 ballot

Thursday, June 14, 2007

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — The inability of the Massachusetts Legislature to vote in favor of placing a popular constitutional amendment in defense of marriage between one man and one woman on the 2008 ballot demonstrates contempt for voters and the influence of special interest groups, according to attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund.

“The political power of special interest groups advancing the homosexual agenda has deprived the people of the right to vote,” said ADF Senior Counsel Glen Lavy. “Political special interests shouldn’t trump what’s in the best interest of families and children. Who’s more important: our children or special interest groups?”

On Jan. 4, the Legislature voted to allow the amendment to move forward ( But Thursday, meeting in joint session as a constitutional convention, the body failed by five votes to muster the 50 votes needed to allow the marriage amendment to be placed on the ballot in 2008. the rest


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