Monday, June 18, 2007

“As dignified and respectable as any other legal activity”
The same politicians who legalized abortion in Mexico City now want to decriminalize prostitution

June 18, 2007

Continuing what they call a “liberal and progressive agenda,” the same coalition of political parties that recently legalized unrestricted abortion in Mexico’s Federal District (which includes Mexico City), have now proposed a measure to legalize prostitution – calling it “sex-service.” According to them, Mexico’s capital city is inhabited by a “modern and advanced society.”

The proposal was made on June 12 in the local Assembly of the Federal District by the legislative faction of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) and the Social Democrat Alternative Party. The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), another of the political parties that voted for abortion legalization, had proposed a similar measure on May 24.

It appears almost certain that legalization of prostitution will be approved by an overwhelming majority in the Federal District’s local Assembly, similar to the 46-19 vote approving the abortion law. The only opposition came from the National Action Party, the party of President Felipe Calderón.
the rest


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