Tuesday, June 05, 2007

'Lost Boy' from Sudan Still Running with God's Gift
Lopez Lomong was six years old when, in the dark of night, he and three older boys crawled through a small hole in a fence and ran barefoot for three days to escape their Sudanese rebel captors.
Bob Baum
Monday, Jun. 4, 2007

Excerpt: "On July 31, 2001, he arrived at the lakeside home of Robert and Barbara Rogers near Tully, N.Y."

We picked him up in a car," Robert Rogers recalled, "and he said 'You have a car?' I said actually I have three or four of them. Then we took him to McDonald's. He thought it was a fancy restaurant, because he hadn't been inside a restaurant before.

"Hot and cold running water, light switches, microwave ovens and a refrigerator filled with food were a puzzle to the 16-year-old African. The Rogers patiently helped him adjust."

They are such nice people, such awesome people," Lomong said. "For like a month, I thought this was probably something I was dreaming about. I didn't know it was actually real."

Lomong was the first of six Sudanese taken in by the Rogers. full story


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