'Lost Boy' from Sudan Still Running with God's Gift
Lopez Lomong was six years old when, in the dark of night, he and three older boys crawled through a small hole in a fence and ran barefoot for three days to escape their Sudanese rebel captors.
Bob Baum
Monday, Jun. 4, 2007
Excerpt: "On July 31, 2001, he arrived at the lakeside home of Robert and Barbara Rogers near Tully, N.Y."
We picked him up in a car," Robert Rogers recalled, "and he said 'You have a car?' I said actually I have three or four of them. Then we took him to McDonald's. He thought it was a fancy restaurant, because he hadn't been inside a restaurant before.
"Hot and cold running water, light switches, microwave ovens and a refrigerator filled with food were a puzzle to the 16-year-old African. The Rogers patiently helped him adjust."
They are such nice people, such awesome people," Lomong said. "For like a month, I thought this was probably something I was dreaming about. I didn't know it was actually real."
Lomong was the first of six Sudanese taken in by the Rogers. full story
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