Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Predictable Consequences
By Chuck Colson

Conjugal Visits for Gay Prisoners

Warning: This commentary contains information not suitable for younger readers.
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation will soon allow gay prisoners conjugal visits with their registered partners. This is a mistake of massive proportions, but entirely predictable.

You see, California is one of several states that allows civil unions between homosexuals and grants them the same legal rights as married heterosexual couples. Proponents of gay “marriage” and civil unions claim they aren’t undermining traditional marriage, rather they just want the same rights for homosexuals that heterosexuals have.

Nonsense. As any “BreakPoint” listener or reader knows, I’ve said repeatedly that gay “marriage” is nothing less than the direct assault on the institution of marriage and the family unit—the foundation of any civilization. I’ve also warned that granting homosexual couples the same rights as married heterosexual couples will have disastrous real-life consequences.

Take adoption, for example. In Massachusetts, Catholic Charities of Boston was forced to shut down its century-old adoption agency. Why? Because the state ordered the agency to place children with homosexual couples. Catholic Charities, I’m glad to say, refused, not only on religious grounds, but because it did not want to put children in jeopardy.
the rest


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