Report: More Media Consumption, Less Commitment to Traditional Values
By Lillian Kwon
Christian Post Reporter
Thu, Jun. 07 2007
WASHINGTON – Americans who watch more hours of television tend to be less committed to classical virtues such as honesty and fairness and less likely to value religious principles, according to a conservative media watchdog.
In a study commissioned by the Culture and Media Institute (CMI), 47 percent of light TV viewers (one hour or less per evening) attend church frequently compared to 28 percent of heavy TV viewers (four or more hours). And while 29 percent of light TV viewers rarely or never attend church, the number jumps to 51 percent among heavy TV viewers.
Moreover, 43 percent of light TV viewers try to live by God's principles compared to 32 percent of heavy TV viewers.
Measuring how the general American public perceives the impact of news and entertainment media, the study found the majority of Americans believe the media have a negative effect on moral values in America. the rest photo
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